
Case study — Tengo mobile app
Red Academy

naz lakhoo
4 min readNov 20, 2018


Danielle approached us with the idea to Design the UI/UX of a MVP app for Tenants, Landlords and Service Providers to raise issues, confirm repairs need to be carried out, get quotes for the repair and confirm the repair has been carried out. She would like to have new Brand Identity for Tengo and UI guidelines.

The UX Process

Deliverables for the project:
Competitive/Comparative Analysis, Survey, Affinity Diagrams, Persona, User Journey, User Flows, Sitemaps, Paper Wireframes, Medium Fidelity Wireframes, Usability Testing, High fidelity Mobile Screens, Specification Document, 1 hour Presentation. New Brand Identity for Tengo and UI guidelines.

Google forms, Sketch. InVision, Keynote

The team:


We want Tengo to make it easy for a tenant to raise an issue and equally easy for the landlord to accept or reject it. To make it easy for a landlord to select service providers to carry out an approved issue. Reducing the number of calls, text, emails that takes place to get the repair done.

Because of the short time of three weeks to complete this project. We decided to concentrate our main efforts on the landlord and tenants. Included the service providers at the point of interaction with the landlord and tenants. We also divided the UX Design, I worked on the landlord and Greg worked on the tenant.

Competitive/Comparative Analysis
I began by analysing companies that compete in similar and tangential product spaces as Tengo. I found that there were several websites and Apps for both Landlord, Tenants and Tradesmen but not one that simplified the user journey for all three.

Survey outcome
landlord the key finding was that they were frustrated with dealing with issues tenants can fix themselves and being asked for repairs all the time. On the tenant side, the landlords were unresponsiveness and slow to book repairs.

Desired features they would like to see in the app:
In conclusion, Communication & Responsibility are the key factors.


User persona

User flows

I created one full journey of user flow to identify all the key interaction points between landlord, tenant, and tradesmen. Also created separate user flow journeys for landlord, tenant and tradesmen.

Tenant User flow


Design & Build

From the user flow and storyboard, I created paper wireframes and medium fidelity wireframes

Landlord Usability Testing

From the Usability test we made the following changes: Screen one — back and arrow, changed to arrow only. Select button was moved to right. Screen two — remove the landlord image and gave focus to the recently added handyman.

Tenant Usability Testing

The button from the first screen, which appears next to leaking tap was moved to the end of the third screen. It worked better for the user to have it at the end of the selection process.

UI Design


View Tengo Apps




For the Tengo App I was involved in all aspect of the Landlord journey from Competitive/Comparative Analysis, Survey, Affinity diagrams, Persona, User Journey, User Flows, Sitemaps, Paper wireframes, Medium fidelity wireframes, Usability Testing. Presented the UX journey to Danielle.

Danielle was very happy with the result of the app.

““Blown away — slick — phenomenal — so chuffed”

