Where do you belong?

Nazli Yildiz
3 min readMay 5, 2024


Photo by Navarag Vaidya on Unsplash

At times, life can be overwhelming and make us uncertain about our next move. However, it is during these moments that we should ask ourselves the question, “Where do I belong?” This question can help us to identify our true purpose and lead us towards our full potential. By reflecting on our values and aspirations, we can make more informed decisions and take positive steps towards a fulfilling life.

The significance of choosing your path correctly.

The importance of selecting the right path. It can either make you a prisoner by limiting your potential or elevate you by offering opportunities for growth and success.

It is important for humans to lead lives that align initially. Some of us excel in writing, composing, teaching, designing, coding, or writing. The beauty of life lies in the fact that for something unique. The true definition of life is to discover our full potential and give back to others by inspiring them to find themselves, all while taking deep breaths and staying centered. This is my definition of life.

From childhood to adulthood, we constantly search for ways to unleash our full potential and make our time count. We always seek ways to live more effectively and maximize every moment. “What should I do?” or “How can I make the most of each day?” are questions that we ask ourselves repeatedly. This quest for self-discovery and fulfillment is never-ending, but it is true with unwavering passion and dedication.

We all have ideas shaped by our experiences, hobbies, character traits, and feedback from others. These factors play a significant role in determining our interests and abilities. However, we must acknowledge that each of us has unique skills and talents in various areas. To discover and utilize these skills, it’s essential to identify and pursue our passions. Otherwise, we may feel unfulfilled and dissatisfied with our lives.

If we choose to do something willingly, without feeling any external pressure, then we are on the right path. Pursuing a career in that field is a step. After all, if we're not spending our time doing something we're good at and enjoy, then what's the point?

Sometimes, discovering our true passion can seem like an unstable thought of trying every activity. It is difficult to determine what ignites our true passion like a bright beacon refusing to be ignored. It is the universe urging our hearts and pursuing us to come alive.

I've gathered some quotes from renowned philosophers that might provoke controversial thoughts through my writing. Take a look and share your thoughts on them!

“The philosopher who finds no meaning for this world is not concerned exclusively with the problem of pure metaphysics; he is also concerned to prove that there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to…” — Aldous Huxley, British Novelist, and Philosopher.

“There’s a great difficulty in making choices if you have any imagination at all. Faced with such a multitude of desirable choices, no one choice seems satisfactory for very long by comparison with the aggregate desirability of all the rest, though compared to any ‘one’ of the others it would not be found inferior.” — John Barth, American Novelist.

“I don’t think there’s much point in bemoaning the state of the world unless there’s some way you can think of to improve it. Otherwise, don’t bother writing a book; go and find a tropical island and lie in the sun.” — Peter Singer, Australian-American Philosopher.

