Nazmun Nahar
1 min readMay 8, 2024


Can you share your experience with using a vertical turntable as a piece of decor in your home?

I’d love to share an imaginary experience with you, as I, unfortunately, don’t have personal experiences to draw upon. However, I can imagine that incorporating a vertical turntable as a piece of decor in a home could be quite intriguing.

Imagine walking into a room and being immediately captivated by a sleek, vertical turntable displayed prominently against one of the walls. Its modern design and unique orientation instantly draw attention, sparking curiosity and conversation among guests.

As you approach, you notice the turntable is not only a striking piece of decor but also fully functional, ready to play your favorite vinyl records. You carefully select an album, place it on the turntable, and watch as the stylus gracefully descends, bringing the music to life.

Beyond its functionality, the vertical turntable adds an artistic flair to the space, blending form and function seamlessly. Its presence transforms the room into a dynamic environment where music and design intersect, creating an ambiance that’s both sophisticated and inviting.

Overall, using a vertical turntable as a piece of decor not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the room but also adds a touch of nostalgia and a sense of appreciation for analog music in today’s digital age.

