Black-Box Test Techniques

Naz Tekinalp
2 min readOct 21, 2023


Black box testing is a software testing technique that focuses on evaluating the functionality of a software application. Testers perform this method without any knowledge of the software’s internal workings, code, or algorithms. Instead, they assess the software’s functionality by providing inputs and observing outputs to determine whether it behaves as expected.


Here are the commonly used black-box test techniques introduced on the ISTQB Certified Tester — Foundation Level Syllabus v4.0:

1. Equivalence Partitioning

Equivalence partitioning is a black box testing technique that divides the input domain of a software application into equivalence classes. Testers group inputs into classes that should yield similar behavior from the software. By selecting a representative test case from each class, you can ensure that you cover various potential inputs. This technique helps testers focus on testing the software’s responses to different categories of inputs effectively.

2. Boundary Value Analysis

Boundary value analysis is an extension of equivalence partitioning that targets the boundaries between equivalence classes. Testers concentrate on testing input values that are on the edge or near the boundaries of these classes. These values are often more likely to reveal defects, as they are the points where the software is most likely to behave differently. For example, if a software application accepts numbers from 1 to 100, testers would focus on testing with values like 1, 100, and values just below and above these boundaries.

3. Decision Table Testing

Decision table testing is particularly useful for systems with complex business logic. Testers create a table that documents various combinations of input conditions and their corresponding expected outcomes. By systematically covering the combinations of conditions, this technique ensures that the software behaves as expected in various scenarios.

4. State Transition Testing

State transition testing is commonly used for software that has different states or modes. It examines how a system transitions from one state to another based on inputs and internal conditions. Testers model the possible states and transitions, allowing them to test the software’s behavior in different scenarios, which can be especially valuable for applications with multiple interfaces and interactions.

Black box testing is a fundamental approach to ensuring software quality and reliability. There are some techniques such as equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, decision table testing, and state transition testing. Testers can identify defects and vulnerabilities in a software application from the user’s perspective.

These techniques, when used in combination, help ensure that the software functions correctly and enhance both customer satisfaction and the overall success of your projects.



Naz Tekinalp

Senior Software QA Engineer | Certified Scrum Master | Computer Engineer | MBA | ISTQB® CTFL- AT | PSM I | PSPO I | PAL I