Nazuk Nizakat Khan
3 min readMay 2, 2023

what is success? The dictionary definition is “accomplishment of an aim or purpose.” Is success only about accomplishment of a goal? But in life goals change. Will you not be successful if the goals change or you fail? Goals might be achieved, discarded, or abruptly interrupted – what then? Success is subjective - to some it might be money, to some honey.

Irrespective of what “Success” means to some it might be money, to some honey.

Irrespective of what “Success” means to each, what has been clearly understood that there are three key elements of success. They are - Clarity of Purpose, Growth Mindset, and Courage.

Clarity of purpose

Without purpose, it is hard to have a clear direction. It is important to know what you want and what you are striving for. Many people elude success as they do not have a clear idea of what to do. They did not have a goal. You need to be clear of the end result and not get bothered by the how. The how is analyzed post attaining success. You need to know where you want to go with your life. Ask yourself: What do you want to achieve? What do you want to leave behind in this world? But the most important thing is to know why you want to achieve that goal. You must have a good reason why you want to do something and the impact it has on other areas of your life. Your passion has to be balanced with other areas of life.

Growth mindset

Growth mindset can help overcome obstacles that may be faced in the journey towards success. The most critical of which is to “Act” or “Take Action”. Without action all dreams remain dreams. When you act you may or may not fail, but if you do not act you will fail for sure. If you fail, it's important to be able to learn from our mistakes and move forward with knowledge gained from the experience. When you act and you fail, you are not failing, you are learning. Every time you fail, you are one step closer to success. This is how it works. Rarely one is successful in the first attempt. If you are not succeeding, you need to change your approach and start again. You need to change your mindset. You need to start enjoying the journey towards your goal. Be open to change. Learn from your mistakes and enjoy the road to success.


This world is full of uncertainty and risk. Courage is needed when we need to take risks or face new challenges. Every successful person has faced many uncertainties in their lives. You need to take risks and face uncertainty. You need to have the courage to face these challenges. The biggest enemy is actually your self-doubt. The moment you start doubting, you go a step backwards. You need to be willing to win the battle against your own self. No one succeeded without believing, so believe in yourself. Many people want to be successful, but they are not willing to take any risk. They want everything to be smooth. They want everything to be safe and secure. But success never comes to those people. You need to be courageous. You need to be willing to take risk. You need to be willing to face uncertainty. You need to be willing to adapt to situations at times. Goals change so do people. Have courage to adapt to the current realities. The journey to success is a lonely one, but you need to understand that you are not alone. Success is all around and there should be no hesitation in seeking help when needed. When the entire world seems to be against you, look for someone who you can model your success on and seek help shamelessly. You would be surprised by the power of seeking help.

Success to me is progressive realization of a worthy idea. It is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. Success is the positive consequence of an achieved accomplishment. If you want to be successful, then you need to have a clear goal and a growth mindset. And most importantly, you need to have the courage to succeed. If you have these 3 qualities, then success will be yours for sure.

Nazuk Nizakat Khan

✨Digital Creator ✨Housewife 💫Prestigious member of 75k Learners Community