Cocoa in F 1.8

Lacie Slezak
6 min readMar 9, 2018


Every once in a while you need a good-old challenge, so I dragged my sister out of the house and did just that!

Background: A few months ago I bought the Canon Nifty Fifty 1.8 (internally jumping in glee) but have neglected to do a lot of shooting in F 1.8 in fear of the shallow dept of field! That might sound silly but I’ve never owned a lens that could go lower then F 4.5! Outrageous I know! So I decided to kick that fear in the teeth and go for it!

First we wen’t to the beach! You can’t live minutes from the ocean and NOT do a photo shoot by the water!

We decided to start on the walk ways as I’m a fan of man made objects surrounded by nature.

Things started out okay, there was a lot of people walking by but I felt the focus was coming out pretty well. Compositionally though I wasn’t happy, at this straight forward angle you couldn’t even tell we were at the beach!

So we got low (above photo) and then we got high (below photos).

(P.s. I mean we “got high” in an angle way you dirty minds!)

These images came out way better, plus you can see the ocean!

Next we wen’t down to the beach, which as you can see was covered in people! Being a little shy my sister just wasn’t feeling it (no one want’s to pose with all those watching eyes!), which is how these three photos came about. As she shyly stood there asking “What am I supposed to do?” I replied “Just dance for me!”

With these two image I wanted to show the difference soft lighting can have.

Image 1 was on the beach with harsh sunlight coming from the right side.

Image 2 was next to the beach in the bushes and shade, and while it was technically a fail as the focus is a little off I still love the feeling it gives off!

New location! You can only be bikini-less on a crowded beach for so long before you get bored! Parking down in Cocoa Village we walked down to the bridge and had some fun in the shade.

Angles, angles, angles! When it comes to photography everything in a scene can drastically change with lighting and the photos angle.

In the two images above my sister didn’t move an inch! I moved around her to see how much I could change the scenery.

PROPS! This was actually a fun surprise, I forced my sister to bring her Instax camera because 1. it’s galexy themed and matched her dress and 2. it’s an Instax camera! (duh!)

But why was it funny? She had no idea there was still film in it (she’s been “out” of film for months), so when she pressed the shutter and the flash went ofs she went into a 5 minute laughing fit! She was happy and I got these cute photo!

I love to show funny bloopers, because realistically if you leave a photo shoot with no funny photos then was it even a real shoot?

The two photos above were failed attempts a different spots, in the left photo she kept being splashed with cold water, and on the right the wind was making her moon everyone.

As you can see the photos above were another failed location attempt, if look to the photo on the right you can see we were having some major wind issues!

Taylor Park

Finally we finished off in Cocoa’s Taylor park.

While a little difficult at times I’m glad I made myself to this.

Sometimes limiting yourself is the best way to get creative, give your zoom lens a break and pick up a prime!


I had my sister take a few photos of me as well, can’t let her upstage me after all!



Lacie Slezak

Just a young photographer! Using this as a blog for my website to show my recent work! You can see my website at