2 min readJun 21, 2024
New Balance 9060 Rich Oak Burgundy

Where to buy : New Balance 9060 Rich Oak Burgundy

When it comes to fashion, Apple’s co-founder Steve Jobs was known for his impeccable taste. From his signature black turtlenecks to his sleek jeans, Jobs’ style was always understated yet elegant. But did you know that behind the scenes, Jobs had a soft spot for New Balance shoes?

The answer lies in the New Balance 99X line, which has been a staple of the brand since its introduction in 1982. And guess what? Steve Jobs loved them! That’s right; the man who revolutionized the way we interact with technology and changed the world with his innovative ideas was also a fan of these classic kicks.

The New Balance 99X line is known for its consistent design and quality, which is precisely what drew Jobs to it. As someone who valued simplicity, comfort, and reliability, Jobs appreciated the understated yet sophisticated look of the 99X shoes. Whether he was walking around the Apple campus or attending a high-profile meeting, Jobs knew that his trusty New Balance kicks would never let him down.

But why did Jobs choose New Balance over other popular brands? For starters, New Balance’s commitment to quality and comfort resonated with Jobs’ values. He believed in investing in products that would stand the test of time, and New Balance’s shoes fit the bill perfectly. Additionally, the brand’s focus on innovative technology and materials aligned with Jobs’ own passion for innovation.

So what did Steve Jobs wear? The answer is simple: he wore New Balance 99X shoes! Whether it was the classic black or a bold color, Jobs knew that his trusty New Balance kicks would always be there to support him. And in an era where fashion trends come and go, Jobs’ love for New Balance remained constant.

In conclusion, when you think of Steve Jobs and his style, what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s the black turtleneck or the jeans? But behind the scenes, Jobs had a secret love affair with New Balance shoes. The 99X line, in particular, won his heart with its consistent design and quality. So next time you’re thinking of fashion icons, don’t forget Steve Jobs’ love for New Balance!

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