Roxanne Davenport
2 min readNov 7, 2015


“Seize”ure The Day!

November is here. I don’t just celebrate Thanksgiving in November. I celebrate everyone that recognizes November as EPILEPSY AWARENESS!! Purple is our color. Our purpose is to spread the word so that people will understand the need for funding to find a cure for EPILEPSY.

There are more people with epilepsy than people with Parkinson’s Disease, Cerebral Palsy, and Multiple Sclerosis added together! I doubt anyone knows that. Also 30% of children with Autism have epilepsy. Everyone of these separate children’s diseases need a cure, they are closer to working to find a cure with their funding.

There is 1 out of 22 children with epilepsy. We are not as close to a cure because of cutting the funding for epilepsy. There are plenty medications the are being developed. This is great. Only great until time has past and the generic companies get to start slightly changing the chemistry of the drug, so they can sell it cheaper. Since they changed to chemistry of the brand name medicine, the generic does not work the same. One pill of the generic prescription might only have 80% of the working medication in one pill. The other 20% is like placebo. This does not help epileptics. Their medicine needs to be consistent with the dosage.

This is just a small amount of information on EPILEPSY. Please keep checking my blog for some more information about epilepsy throughout the month. Please, sometime this month please find a purple ribbon to wear just like the ribbon you wear for breast cancer.

Thank you for your time to read about PURPLE!

Categories: “Seize”ure The Day!

Originally published at seizeuretheday.com on November 2, 2015.



Roxanne Davenport

I started having complex petit mal seizures when I was Twenty-one. I found out then due to a fever when I was a baby. Caused Mesial Temporal Sclerosis.