Mobile Subs Dashboard v1

A Simple KPI Overview for Mobile Subscription Businesses

Nico Wittenborn
3 min readApr 21, 2020

Having had the pleasure to start my work in venture with SaaS Metrics OG Christoph Janz and the whole team at Point Nine Cap almost a decade ago, I have seen hundreds of companies use and benefit from the thoughtful content they pushed out to help build the playbook for early stage SaaS ventures – long before enterprise SaaS was the hot thing everyone raved about. If you are new to SaaS: Welcome to the party, but you might be a little late. 😝

After learning the tools of SaaS investing, I started shifting more of my focus towards mobile subscription companies (or consumer subscription software), which I define as (i) digital businesses with (ii) recurring business models that are (iii) global from day 1 and (iv) are monetizing on the consumer level. The latter being the biggest difference to SaaS, which sells into SMBs and enterprises. It is also the reason for my mobile focus, as most consumer apps are being distributed and used primarily on mobile devices today.

SaaS vs CSS

I started thinking and writing about the difference between SaaS and CSS in 2016 and was fortunate to invest in a few great ones since then and many others have reached $100m+ in revenues in just the last few years.

Read the fine print

Coming back to Dashboards, this SaaS KPI Dashboard particularly has been — and still is — a resource for SaaS entrepreneurs around the world. I have now created a similar overview for early stage mobile subs businesses, hoping that it will make it easier for founders to track what’s important and create more transparency in their mobile subscription businesses.

Please note that this is a v1 and I plan on improving it over time, which is why I left the comment function on for you to leave Qs or feedback.


Please note:

1– Can be extended for more paid plans (e.g quarterly) and paid channels
2– Attribution of paid conversions to when trial started (usually 7 day lag)
3– Counting AppStore receivables as cash at hand (usually 14 day lag)
4– Will extend to include web conversion data in a v2 future version
5– Cohorts, Segments, Benchmarks & LTV Calculator coming next :)

Please share and stay tuned for more mobile subs focused content :)

— Thanks, Nico at Adjacent


