Saksham Dubey
3 min readDec 2, 2023


(Before telling you about this historical past, I would like to tell you the source of this story is Professor Pavneet Singh. I hope from this short write-up you’ll get an insight of how brave our Indian military was in the 18th Century and what we have learned from our mistakes. Happy Reading


This Durrani empire was founded by Ahmad Shah Durrani in 1747. expanded over the Iranian plateau and Indian subcontinent. Great warriors they were. In 1965 fought with the Mughals, won and captured Jammu and Kashmir. Had a peripheral border with Punjab.


He ordered his military general Gulabh Singh to remove Durrani. Gulab was an outstanding military thinker and diplomat of that time. In the battle with Durrani, he won and due to his bravery, In 1822 Raja Ranjeet Singh gifted him the post of hereditary ruler of JandK.(which means Gulabh’s offspring will rule the region in future).


He was a brilliant war analyst, a great warrior and a charismatic thinker. He thought that our boundaries like Ladakh, Pir Pranjal and Gilgit should be our ally or coordinate under. Power for expansion was given by Mah Ranjeet, who successfully occupied the regions. But he noticed that Kailash Parvat(mountain) comes under the territory of Chinese and Tibetans. Although the sentiments of Hindus are connected with it. He fought and successfully captured the post.

Point to be noted dear readers- This was and is the only time when India had his reign over that big area. Beiping got active after this clash(the old name of Beijing). Gen Dong Gong planned a full-scale battle to take back the Kailash.

Before this decision in Beiping, Gen Zoorawar already had thought that China would backfire, so he sent a demand to Gulab Singh for reinforcement to make their hold firm over the area.


In 1841–42, a fight between Gen Zoorawar's small army and Gen Dong over the land. In which Zoorawar lost. The main reason was a lack of proper infrastructure which reinforcement had not arrived, if this had happened it would have been a part of India. No visa/passport would be part of the Indian Union for visiting Kailash. But the bravery of Gen Zoorawar impressed Gen Dong and asked Tibeitian to make a shrine to Gen Zoorawat as he lost his life on the battlefield. Great warrior lost but made his presence significant even after he died.


Despite no advancement and no technology, he made a plan for a future attack.

Serious need for advanced infrastructure in a need, which is why high-goal infrastructure is being developed in this region. This aggressive development caused a fear of heart attack in the Chinese which was reflected in the form of invasion and hand fights observed over the region. The balance of strength is slightly being with India for a short span.

So learning from this incident, you will notice the rapid development of the Military over the Ladakh region is like a bone stuck in their food pipe. The deployment of Rafael and Sukhoi are examples of rapid growth.

Developing aid and arms to Ladakh
Brave soldiers guarding the Pangong Lake with immense courage.

Will come back with another interesting topic to make you aware, of then stay tuned.

Don’t stop grinding cause your actions have consequences




Saksham Dubey

My choices have consequences. I am a defence aspirant who is embracing his life while going through the rough path. Grinding to the fullest.