Introducing the winners of this years National Diversity Awards

If ever a time for celebrating, empowering and inspiring the UK, it is now and it is pivotal. Friday night’s National Diversity Awards, #NDA19, was an evening full of successes and celebrations, with a number of awards being given to the most deserving role models and community organisations.

National Diversity Awards
5 min readSep 26, 2019
Awards being presented under the atmospheric lights at Liverpool Cathedral during #NDA19.

“I wore black and thought I shouldn’t dress as though I was attending a funeral, but maybe I am. A funeral for intolerance, because every single person here is killing it stone dead by championing diversity in everyday lives with passion and enthusiasm.” — Annie Wallace, transgender BAFTA awarded actress.

With 28,543 nominations and votes for this year's awards, it is a testament to the hard work, dedication and incredible accomplishments of the nominees and winners. We are thrilled to announce this year's winners, and shine a spotlight onto societies unsung heroes. As follows are tonight’s incredible winners:

  • Positive Role Model Awards:

Age — Won by Emily White. Emily is only twelve and heading a campaign for a minister for disabled children and families, whilst being the superhero in her own comic ‘The Department of Ability Comic’ and fundraising for charities.

Disability — Won by Myles Sketchley. Myles, a youth ambassador for disability and uses his own lived experiences to make a more inclusive society.

Gender — Won by Joss Cambridge-Simmons. Joss campaigns to challenge the stereotype of males in early years childcare.

‘It’s been a journey and I am not stopping, I've been doing this thirteen years and it’s not about the award, it’s about making a change and I will keep trying to find the next best thing to make a change, it’s about moving forward’. Joss Cambridge-Simmons, Winner of the Positive Role Models award for Gender 2019

Winner of thecPositive Role Models award for Gender 2019 — Joss Cambridge-Simmons.

LGBT — Won by Patrick Ettenes. Patrick, was the youngest individual diagnosed with HIV and early onset dementia frontal lobe atrophy. He uses his experiences to teach at universities around the country.

‘I am from Barbados and I never thought I would be here today, I have worked so hard in the shadows fighting for equality for everyone.’ Patrick Ettenes, Winner of the Positive Role Models award for LGBT 2019

Race, Religion & Faith — Won by Darryl Laycock. As a rehabilitated ex-offender, Darryl has taught 160,000 children around the country about the perils of crime. 80% of his work is done free of charge with little funding.

Winner of thecPositive Role Model Award for Race, Faith and Religion 2019 Darryl Laycock.

‘I don’t do it for awards, but it will open more doors so thanks’. — Darryl Laycock, winner of the Positive Role Model Award for Race, Faith and Religion 2019

  • Entrepreneur of Excellence Award Won by Codilia Gapare. Codilia is a breast cancer survivor and through her experiences, she established and developed her own false eye-lash company C-Lash, which is one of Prima High Street Heroes 2019’s top 50.
  • Diverse Company Award — Won by Specsavers. This award was presented to Specsavers, as an award which gets better and better every year.
  • Celebrity of the Year Award — Won by Sir Lenny Henry, CBE. As a celebrity, being able to be a voice for the voiceless cast aside is incredibly important. Lenny has spent his career challenging the lack of diversity on television and actively heralds BAME actors and campaigns for a change in the industries diversity.
  • Community Organisation Awards

Age — Won by The Hive Youth Zone. The Hive, a youth-led organisation with over 80,000+ visits since their opening in 2017, provide activities, workshops and support sessions to help their members flourish to their full potential as unique members of society.

Disability — Won by The Josephine and Jack Project. This organisation works to aid over 200 adults with learning disabilities each year since their beginning in 2009, offering support and advice in a safe environment while creatively teaching about sex education and relationships.

‘Our work is all about making sure adults and individuals with learning disabilities have the same rights to love and life as the rest of us,’. — The Josephine and Jack Project, Winner of the Community Organisation award for disability.

Gender — Won by Andys Man Club. Andys Man Club is an organisation that was established to encourage men to talk and reach out about their mental health issues. With 20 volunteer-led clubs around the UK, over 10,000 men have been using the service.

LGBT — Won by CliniQ. CliniQ is the first service that is for transgender people and by transgender people making it for many in the transgender community a lifeline, offering resources such as including health care, wellbeing and counselling. The service has changed the way that wellbeing and sexual health services are informed to be suitable for transgender people.

‘It’s beautiful to be here after a record week at our club last week, we had 750 men walked through our door. If anyone out there is struggling, because we all go through shit in our life just know it’s ok to talk.’. — Andys Man Club, winner of the Community Organisation award for Gender.

Race, Religion and Faith — Won by Musicians in Exile — The Glasgow Barons. Musicians in Exile uses culture, friendship and love to bring together asylum seekers and refugees. They provide safe reliable practice space for the musicians and help them put on performative showcases.

Community Organisation Award for Multi-Strand — Won by L6 Community Association. The L6 Community Association supports all individuals in areas of high deprivation and social needs in the community, aiming to take the financial pressure off from families who desperately need it.

A full audience for Rodney Hinds, winner of the National Diversity Awards Lifetime Achiever Award.

Lifetime Achiever Award — Won by Rodney Hinds. Rodney has a long-standing history as editor of Britains Black newspaper ‘The Voice’. Using his established and wide network, Rodney utilizes it to aid black professionals in the sports industry.

“Doors have been closed in my face, but my confidence never diminished,— As I made my way I saw my role, and that was to provide an opportunity to others.’. Rodney Hinds, Winner of the Lifetime Achiever Award 2019.

A MASSIVE congratulations to all of the winners , and of course the many nominees across the categories, each an inspiration in their own right doing brilliant and impactful work across the UK in many different sectors. We will continue to praise and uplift the Nations leading voices in diversity, who continue to work tirelessly to change the way society looks at diversity until goals of unity, acceptance and equality have been achieved.

Get involved in the conversation over about National Diversity Awards on #NDA19.

Written by @ACG for #NDA19.

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National Diversity Awards

The National Diversity Awards, celebrates the excellent achievements of grass-root communities that tackle the issues in today’s society. #NDA19