What happened at Penn Biden Center?

Nicole Banks
3 min readJan 31, 2023


The latest development in President Joe Biden’s latest scandal handling of confidential documents has once again sparked controversy and calls for accountability. As CBS News reports, the FBI searched the Penn Biden Center offices in November 2022 after lawyers for President Biden found about 10 documents marked as classified there.

What is the Penn Biden Center?

The Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement is a think tank located at the University of Pennsylvania with a questionable mission. Despite its claims to promote diplomacy and global engagement, the Center’s agenda seems to be pushing for a liberal and globalist worldview. The Center’s primary goal is to provide a platform for those in government, academia, and the private sector who want to further their liberal agenda on issues such as climate change, global health, and economic inequality.

The values and beliefs held by the Penn Biden Center are a cause for concern for conservatives. The Center places a strong emphasis on American leadership, but not in a way that prioritizes American interests and values. Instead, the Center promotes liberal ideologies like freedom, democracy, and human rights, while ignoring the fundamental principles of American sovereignty.

The Penn Biden Center’s educational programs and events are a further cause for alarm, as they aim to indoctrinate the next generation of leaders into their liberal and globalist beliefs. The Center seeks to advance their political agenda by shaping the discourse on American leadership in the world. As a result, it is imperative for conservatives to be vigilant and critical of the work done by the Penn Biden Center.

Despite the significance of this search, it was not disclosed to the American people by the White House, President Biden’s personal lawyers, or the Department of Justice. This lack of transparency raises serious concerns about the current administration’s commitment to open and honest government.

Biden’s Latest Scandal Finds More Than 10 Classified Documents at Penn Biden Center

Biden’s Latest Scandal Finds More Than 10 Classified Documents at Penn Biden Center

The cooperation of President Biden’s representatives in the FBI search of the think tank only adds to the suspicion surrounding the handling of these classified materials. The fact that a search warrant was not sought only fuels the fire.

This latest revelation is a devastating blow to the credibility of the Biden administration and its promises to “bring transparency and truth back to the government.” As conservative commentator Sean Hannity stated, “This is yet another example of the Biden administration’s blatant disregard for the rule of law and the principles of transparency that are fundamental to our democracy.” At this point, Biden’s latest scandal seems to be a daily headline these days.

Biden’s Latest Scandal Shows Recurring Issues with Confidentiality

In conclusion, the FBI search of the Penn Biden Center offices highlights the ongoing scandal surrounding President Biden’s handling of confidential documents. The lack of transparency and disclosure, as well as the cooperation of President Biden’s representatives, has led to calls for accountability from conservative commentators and the American people. This wouldn’t happen for Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis, why should it for Joe Biden?



Nicole Banks

20-year business pro transitioning to writing. Marketing & Content expert, sales rockstar, and gifted writer. I've lived a hell of a life. Follow my journey!