GSoC Community Bonding with CiviCRM

Ndubuisi Onyemenam
2 min readMay 26, 2019


On my second Application into the Google Summer of code, I got accepted, Yaay!.

The Google Summer of code, abbreviated as GSoC is an annual program in which Google pairs University Students to work with open source organizations and then awards stipends to students who are able to meet project milestones.

This Summer I am working with CiviCRM to improve quality assurance bench marks for different CiviCRM projects. Here is a link to the Project description.

CiviCRM is a web based open source suite, that allows organizations and individuals build, engage, and organize their constituents.

Community Bonding Period

The First stage for GSoC involves community bonding, as students get to interact with persons within their open source organization, get familiar with the Summer project code base, and also discuss and adjust project milestones with guidance from their mentors.

My Community Bonding period has been awesome!

My mentors and other community members have been very welcoming. I had personal doubts especially with meeting agreed milestones in the project Timeline.

My Doubts have been cleared though, as my mentors through their empathy this past three weeks have shown clearly that my Success is all they care about. We are a team!

I am particularly excited about my summer project as it gives me the opportunity to explore new areas of knowledge in Software engineering. My mentors are also best in class Software Engineers so their will be lots of things to learn.

I want to use this opportunity to appreciate my Mentors, Jack Gleeson, Eileen McNaughton, Joseph Murray, Luke Stewart and Tim Otten.

If you want to know more about my GSOC experience, open source contribution or CiviCRM, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or the CiviCRM GSoc Channel. You can also follow my Project development on Github.

My Night Watch Just Began! D:



Ndubuisi Onyemenam

Human @earth, PHP and Node.js Developer. Wait for more .... Hire me