6 Easy Steps to Create an Impressive Elevator Pitch

3 min readOct 19, 2021


Are you wondering how to sell a product in perfect English, yet it is not your first language? Get the English you need from the English Center online, create a short elevator pitch, and present it like a pro.

An elevator pitch is a brief, authentic presentation of experience and skills without imposing its ideas. It should be catchy, persuasive, but memorable that instantly creates interest.

If your English is rusty, engage The English Center of Amsterdam, where you will get help as an individual or corporate learn the language for personal or business use. Elevator rides last 30 seconds, the time needed to sell yourself in proper business English.

When to Use an Elevator Pitch

Salespeople need an elevator pitch to approach potential clients with the hope of closing a better deal. However, presenting a fresh idea to a stranger might be intimidating, especially for a non-native. Take charge and change this by taking a live online private course to build confidence.

Therefore, enlarging your client base will be effortless, the next time you rub shoulders with superiors from large-scale enterprises in your forte. Now that your English jitters are no more, here is how to wisely select words for your elevator pitch.

  1. Clear Intent

Know the goal behind a pitch to a prospect by meticulously explaining your product. Memorize words that command attention and spark interest. Prepare to answer questions like, “What do you do?” Your response: We help large and small enterprises transition to the new (Mention your product).

2. Introduce yourself and product

Introduce yourself, sell your idea in words that raise curiosity and interest immediately. Provide information to tease and create more interest, setting the pace for an actual meeting. Begin by describing what you do, the issues that affect people, how you assist by solving them. Use words that will make your audience remember you for a long time.

We are the first company to provide (your product) for any business, limiting losses and workforce costs.

3. Articulate what is unique

Please explain why the product you are selling is unique and how it solves issues better or faster. Your vision should be above anything heard or known to address a challenge known to your potential new customer.

For instance, “We do a ground survey to understand customer needs, then create customized software.”

4. Peek on finances

Mention the financial benefits from your service or product. A means to an extra coin is welcome by anyone. Mention a client who cut on costs by using your superior solution and quote realistic margins. Our clients have recorded double profits since adopting our product, limited losses, and workforce costs.

5. Engage with an open question

Pause an open question to your target as a way of picking their brain on the conversation. If your prospect is an American or British native, an English accent will spark a sense of belonging and confidence. Both are trained at the English Center.

For example, “Using the automated payroll software leaves no room for errors or late payments.”

6. Compile and Practice Your elevator speech

After gathering the necessary information for your pitch, practice as many times as possible. Have your contact info at hand.

Takeaway Points

  • Clear intent
  • Introduce yourself and product
  • Articulate what is unique
  • Peek on finances
  • Engage with an open question
  • Compile and practice


Visit the English Center website today, get an appointment for a consultation and test for free, then go ahead to pitch like a pro.




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