PinnedN-K 4 Day Work Week Tips (for freelancers, business owners, and employees)Despite all the benefits, the actual switch to the novelty 4DWW can be quite a challenge. Read our tips to help you ease the change!May 10, 2023May 10, 2023
NEA-KOSMA WHAT’S HOT? WHAT’S NOT? — Q2 2023 (April-June)Formerly a monthly series, “What’s Hot? What’s Not?” is now a quarterly overview of all the things and news that excited, inspired, or…Jul 13, 2023Jul 13, 2023
Nea-Kosma’s What’s Hot? What’s Not? (Jan-Mar 2023)If you follow Nea-Kosma on Instagram or TikTok, you’re already familiar with our monthly “What’s Hot? What’s Not?” series. In it, we look…May 24, 2023May 24, 2023
🌐 Procrastination 101 — Why We Do It & What We Can Do About ItCan’t manage your time? It’s all about managing your emotions first.Nov 15, 2022Nov 15, 2022
🌐 60 Minutes with NMRDOTCCCementing the bridge between financial and creative realms that forms the core of Nea-Kosma, their new interview series “60 Minutes With”…May 27, 2022May 27, 2022
🌐 Feeling Money﹣And how we can shift money mindsets through emotionsHow do you feel when you think about money?Apr 1, 2022Apr 1, 2022
🌐 5 Reasons Why Excel Is Not DeadIts Windows ’98 looking interface can easily make even the oldest of Millennials cringe in their non-swiveling home-office chairs. But to…Mar 23, 20221Mar 23, 20221