Crack the BOS Code

The secret tool every Web3 Dev must know!

NEAR Balkans Hub
5 min readAug 14, 2023

The blockchain space has been developing at a very fast rate throughout the past decade, and in the past few years, we cannot deny that the growth reached levels like never before. We have witnessed hundreds of cryptocurrencies emerging, and hundreds of different blockchains with thousands of decentralized applications being developed. While blockchain technology is the solution to many of the Web2 problems we faced in the digital world, it is no secret that we encountered brand new problems as well. One of them was the interoperability between blockchains.

What does that mean?
It means that if you release an application on the internet, that particular application becomes available to all users that have access to the internet, but when you do it on the blockchain, the decentralized application would be available only to the users of the specific blockchain this technology is built on. As we are aiming for mass adoption in the Web3 world this is a major problem. But at NEAR we look at the problems as challenges, we go step by step to find the right solution. The name of this one is Blockchain Operating System (BOS). Available on

Blockchain Operating System (BOS)
Earlier this year, NEAR announced the BOS, an industry-first category that represents a common layer for browsing and discovering open web experiences compatible with multiple blockchains. An Operating System for the Open Web. This unique solution makes Web3 easier than ever to access and navigate for users and developers alike, whether they are new to Web3 experiences and want to play around, or developers looking to build an open web. And the BOS comes with a package of solutions. Let’s dive in.

The BOS empowers developers to build solutions that will be deployed in a space with an already established user base, a more accessible and familiar SDK that is also cost-effective — you can code in JavaScript. To make Web3 app development fast and easy, the BOS offers a comprehensive set of tools and capabilities to get developers started quickly. There are even open-source reusable components that developers can customise for their own needs and deploy directly on the BOS, without leaving the platform. Here’s a closer look at one such feature that exemplifies the BOS’s potential — discoverability and customization of components.

On the BOS platform, developers gain access to a versatile toolkit that includes the ability to discover, modify, and utilize various components, applications, and gateways. To illustrate, let’s dive into the “Components” option — a key aspect of the BOS’s functionality. Imagine you’re a developer seeking to incorporate a specific component into your project. With the BOS, you can seamlessly explore the wide array of existing components available. This includes the option to view detailed information about each component, such as its source code and functionalities, and the option to open the component and interact with it. By simply navigating to the “View Details” section of a component, you can access its inner workings through the “Source” tab. This will help you understand how the component functions and how it aligns with your project’s requirements.

But that’s not all — the BOS takes customization a step further. Should you wish to tailor a particular component to suit your needs, the “Fork” option becomes your go-to tool. Upon selecting “Fork,” you’re seamlessly directed to the building page — a developer’s haven. Here, you’ll find all the essential tools at your fingertips: a comprehensive compiler that allows you to write and adapt code, and a render preview that offers a real-time visual representation of how your customized component will appear within the BOS ecosystem.

The BOS’s robust suite of developer-oriented features, such as component discovery and customization, not only accelerates the development process but also fosters innovation and collaboration within the Web3 landscape.

There is a long list of benefits for the users of the BOS. One that stands out is the discoverability and accessibility it enables. With FastAuth, BOS offers a seamless Web2 style of onboarding into the world of Web3. Like never before, users can now create a free account with biometrics, phone prompts, and even an email address! Instead of remembering long seed phrases, it becomes a preference where users can now interact with decentralized applications through the Web2 onboarding experience. And there is no need for your account to ever own crypto for it to become active. A vision to make the space truly more accessible. As mentioned before, discoverability is another great thing the BOS offers, where users can browse for other users, components, or applications directly on the BOS. You also get the social aspect of Web2 with the integration of NEAR.Social, where the users can connect, post content and interact with it.

Discoverability in the blockchain space, with cost-effective and easy developer experience, and seamless user onboarding for users into Web3. With all this, the BOS becomes the perfect place for any enterprise. Even if you just want to taste the Web3 waters, the BOS is the right place to get and offer a familiar user experience that is leveraging the power of blockchain technology. The best of Web2 and Web3 merged into a single platform that offers an extra layer of security, decentralization, scalability, and blockchain interoperability.

Let’s build together!
Whether you are an experienced Web3 developer, founder, or just someone that has a great idea that can be developed on the Blockchain Operating System, let’s connect. At NEAR Balkans, we offer grant opportunities for builders, as we know how the journey for startups can be hard, so we want to give you the extra push. Reach out to and let us help you find the right approach and space in the Blockchain Operating System.

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NEAR Balkans Hub

NEAR Balkans is the regional representative organization for the NEAR protocol in the Balkans.