Introducing NDC Whistleblower Bounty Program

NEAR Digital Collective
5 min readAug 7, 2023


Get the opportunity to earn up to 2,500 NEAR by reporting wrongdoings like vote-buying during the NDC election. 🗳️
👉 Submit your findings today!

The NDC (NEAR Digital Collective) is a grassroots movement led by the NEAR community to create decentralized governance on NEAR. In preparation for the upcoming NDC elections, a whistleblower bounty program has been initiated for participants to help prevent election fraud.

What can be done?

It is very important to detect, report and expose any kind of wrongdoing that might be taking place and coming in the way of conducting the election campaign successfully. The key is to identify culprits and protect others participating in the campaign. Hence, this initiative was undertaken. NDC is committed to protecting the identity of the whistleblowers and will take measures to prevent any retaliation against them.

A. Promote transparency & fairness
B. Deter Election fraud.

How can you get involved?

If you’re someone who has a knack for performing on-chain detective work and recognizing patterns from data that might seem mundane to others, this is the perfect opportunity for you to showcase your talent.

Let’s take a deep dive into the whole process:

Description — Individuals that come up with crucial information & provide substantial report of election fraud will receive a financial reward. The amount depends upon the severity of the reported activity ranging from minimum 250 NEAR to maximum 2,500 NEAR.

⭐ Conditions for Bounty

A. Report based on credible evidence.
B. Submitted information must lead to successful case resolution.
C. The claimant must be first to report the specific violation.
D. The violation reported must be harmful to the integrity of NDC election process.

Quantification of the Bounty

The value of the Whistleblower’s bounty is dependent upon few parameters that are further classified on a 3-tiered scale & follows a point system. Each point equals 100 NEAR.

Minimum bounty of 250 NEAR will be given for any validated report even if total is 2.5 points.

More the number of points accrued, better is the scope for winning the bounty.

Note: Allocation of points & bounty are at full discretion of the Election Integrity Council & their decision based on the case/evidence provided is final.

Introduction to Election Integrity Council:

  • It is an autonomous body comprising of the GWG or the OG SBT committee members who are not running for the elections.
  • The committee will consist of 5 council members.
  • They are responsible to ensure and uphold the highest standards of fairness, transparency, and integrity throughout the entire election process.

Each of the Parameters are:

  • Severity of potential fraud — It considers the seriousness of the reported activity and is assessed on two fronts, Direct (Did this activity directly impact election results?) & Indirect (Could this incident cause damage to public confidence?) Based on Scale:
  • Extent of the harm prevented — It factors in the harm averted due to timely reporting. It takes into account the number of votes that could have been affected or amount of NEAR involved. Based on Scale:
  • Quality of evidence provided — Crucial in validating the report & successfully resolving the fraudulent activity. Based on Scale:

Reporting Procedure:

You can report a suspected fraud via this submission form.

The Report should detail the nature of the violation, individuals involved, and all supporting evidence.

Anonymous email services can be used for anonymous reports.

A unique case number will be issued upon successful submission. This should be retained for future references.

Verification & Investigation:

Every reported submission will undergo through a three steps process.

Bounty Distribution:

The Whistleblower will receive their bounty within 45 days once their case is confirmed. Payment will be sent in NEAR to the wallet address mentioned in the Google form.

Abuse of the Whistleblower Program

  • Any misuse or abuse of the Whistleblower Program, including the submission of fraudulent, malicious, or unsubstantiated reports, may result in punitive measures.
  • It also includes the disqualification of the reporter from future bounties.

Program Review & Conclusion

The guidelines laid out in the whistleblower program will be undergoing regular updates and additional changes to enhance its effectiveness to improve fraud detection and reporting standards.

All changes that are added will be promptly communicated via all of the official channels, on telegram and Near social.

The Whistleblower program thus empowers individuals to come forth and report malicious activities that thwart the NDC’s goal of establishing an effective decentralized governance model on NEAR.

This campaign is a testament to NDC’s dedication to ensure a fair, transparent, and accountable election system. It is by safeguarding the whistleblowers and rewarding them for their courage, NDC shows its commitment towards achieving a more honest & democratic blockchain environment.

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NEAR Digital Collective

The NEAR Digital Collective is a radical new approach to community governance, built on the NEAR Blockchain.