Exploring the Ethereum Virtual Machine -AURORAA virtual machine is a computer running on the blockchain which acts like a central platform for smart contracts from multiple sources to…May 27, 20221May 27, 20221
Decentralized Autonomous Organizatios In Healthcare -Astro DAOA Decentralized Autonomous Organization is an entity led by it’s community with no central authority. DAOs are modern organizations…May 23, 2022May 23, 2022
Understanding Application-specific Blockchains — Octopus NetworkThe world is gradually evolving and adapting to web 3.0. Web 2.0 platforms have delivered quite well in the area of user experience and…May 22, 2022May 22, 2022
The Blockchain Privacy Solution, Calimero Network built on NEAR.For healthcare, privacy is important. Whether it be the transfer of confidential information to prefessionals, or protecting patients’…May 19, 2022May 19, 2022
Blockchain Oracle for Healthcare Applications- Flux ProtocolThe word “Oracle” could mean a whole number of things, it’s a word that has been in use for centuries. In the case of blockchain…May 18, 2022May 18, 2022
Healthcare in the Metaverse; Gaming and virtual reality.The metaverse is an interesting and innovative initiative that seeks to go a long way in solving a lot of problems with the use of…May 10, 2022May 10, 2022
Near Protocol in the healthcare industry.What do you know about the Near Ecosystem?Apr 24, 2022Apr 24, 2022
NEAR’s Private Shards offer the security and privacy needed for healthcare blockchain adoption.From managing patient data to tracking drugs through the supply chain, blockchain in healthcare could solve some of the healthcare…Apr 23, 2022Apr 23, 2022
A DEEP DIVE INTO NEAR HEALTH.Have you ever thought of the possibility of having Blockchain technology working together with the health Industry?Mar 17, 2022Mar 17, 2022