Igweolisa Sunday Nebeolisa-Igwe
8 min readOct 19, 2020




Why do we talk of purification in The Integrity Organization? We talk about purification because at the origin of human life or the world,God created the human mind pure and clean,filled with all goodness. It was that purity and cleaness of human mind that produced good results of integrity in the earth. But over time, impurities began to creep into the human mind. Hence the need for purification of the mind.

The mind is actually the custodian of all human thoughts,in fact all human actions originate first from the human mind through thought system,so when the human mind is pure or filled with goodness,,it produces good thoughts or actions, and verse Versa.


However the need, in relation to the purification process in The Integrity Organization,God would not be directly involved in the purification process of human mind because that may amount to dainting His holiness,rather he created a like of himself who would be positioned to do the purification of the mind,and that is THE INTEGRITY(The Integrity has always been defined as the life, full of the love, the peace and the purity),which however is needed to exist independently of God.You see The Integrity himself has all the essential attributes of God,needed to achieve his purpose: it is at the achievement of this purpose that Integrity becomes a nature. As a nature, Integrity is definited as consistent right life anchored on positive intentions.

The Integrity in turn therefore beget The Integrity Organization(to be the umbrella body where those who desire an excellent life of Integrity could come together to pursue it). The Integrity thereafter beget a massenger and massengers(s) for The Integrity Organization,so that he/they will reveal the massage of The Integrity to The Integrity Organization, thereafter The Integrity Organization and her members will then convey the message of The Integrity to the rest of the people of the world, influencing them to conform to the massage of The Integrity which is to have the life, full of the love,the peace and the purity shared abroad in their human mind, thereby enabling human mind to be purified and empowered. The human minds haven been enabled will therefore internalise the ideals of The Integrity in order to live good life of Integrity. It is at this point that Integrity becomes a nature.

Moreover it is important to note that though The Integrity has come for this purpose,it makes it possible through The Integrity Organization,which means that you have to be a member of The Integrity Organization first before the purification principle of The Integrity would work out for you.


To further discuss this idea, it would be good if we first understand the meaning of the key words here before we go into details of the subject under discussion. In furtherance of that, it would be good first to ask what is purification? Purification is the process of removing contaminant from something, which can include dirt,stain or anything capable of affecting the quality of something negatively,or defaming the original quality. On that basis,when we talk about purification in The Integrity Organization,we are talking about the process of removing those things that can stand as hindrance in your living a life of Integrity.

Having done that,what is then the meaning of theory, theory can be explained as a set of principles on which the parctice of activity is based. Looking at the purification theory of The Integrity in The Integrity Organization,we can now take it to mean a set of principles on which the process of removal of contaminant of Integrity is based.

At this point,someone may begin to Wonder if Integrity can be contaminated,the answer is yes! Originally at birth, people are born with purity,low level of purity or no purity, depending on who stand as their parents,but as they begin to grow,the level of their purity or impurity begins to either widen or decrease depending on the training and acquaintances such a person has access to.


The origin of right is not in this world if you want to find it you cannot find it in this world even if you search through out eternity you cannot find it. Where deos right acts originated,it originated from The Integrity. The Integrity preexisted the origin of the earth. The Integrity is that nature of God that is associated with Integrity. The Integrity had always been with God before the creation, because it is part of his nature,just like peace,love, mercy etc. But God has been waiting for a messenger he will send at the due time,to send him to the people of the world to give the world the massage of The Integrity.

People outside The Integrity Organization may be wondering how to get practical knowledge of The Integrity. It is in this regard that The Integrity manifested himself to everyone through nature:;air,light and rain. In essence,the common characteristics of The Integrity to the general public can be found therein especially his non discriminatory nature.


However,it is important here to note that the first messenger of The Integrity Organization has first been reminiscencingly transcendented before he was given the massage of The Integrity to come and deliver to The Integrity Organization and the world by first making members for The organization who will be reminiscencingly transcendented,to enable them get purified unto good work,and then get back from transcedency,to get others go through the same process of purification into good work ad infinitum.

So at the point of recieving the purification massage of The Integrity, people will have the desire to be purified to enable them go back and exbit the values they have acquired during purification.

However,it is important to note again that God waited for the right time for the massage of The Integrity to come into the world. He has timed it and programed everything even the birth of the messenger so that it will happen according to the timing. So it is never late nor too early. This is just the right time,in God's calendar.

Where does purity then lies where does completeness lies where does goodness lies where does true love lies? Where does true peace lies? The execellency of all values, together with the ones metioned above lie in The Integrity. Really,if then The Integrity is the custodian of all values,who then can apprehend it?


Truely everyone can apprehend it,though it needs the person to first join The Integrity Organization, have serious discipline, dedication and commmittment to good values as exposed by The Integrity in The Integrity Organization,these will position him for Reminiscencing-transcedency Theory of purification,in order to enable him to transcend into the kingdom,world or paradise of The Integrity,. It is at the point where you fully reminiscencingly-transcedented that you can apprehend them. There are full or complete transcendency and there are partial transcendency,and for you to have complete transcendency,you need total discipline, dedication and comittment to the ideals of The Integrity Organization, without it,you may have partial transcendency or worse still no transcendency. This is what we call transcendency or transportation theory of The Integrity Organization.

What is then the sure means or process of transcendency into the kingdom,world or paradise of The Integrity? It is by your mind . How does it happen then? It is through reminiscencing on the values of The Integrity Organization which include her five tenets,five point programme,mission,vision,motto(and others not expressively mentioned here). it is only at the point when you have reminiscenced to saturation that you can be transcedented or transported into the kingdom,world or paradise of The Integrity where everything is completely pure,perfect and whole.


Remember,it is only The Integrity that is completely pure and at the period of purification,you will not be allowed to get to the point of complete purity, because your getting to the point of complete purity means you are equal to The Integrity,and no one that equates himself with The Integrity that lives. it is only when one is pure till final transcedency(death) that he becomes completely pure, because at that point you have become a spirit and will not have contact with this physical world again. Moreover,the essence of purification is for you to return and influence your world or sphere of contact with those values you have imbibed over the period of purification.

Furthermore,it is important to understand that your attending the purification of The Integrity means that you have excellently been perfected in all values. However,no mortal can be excellently be perfected in all values,for that amounts to equality with The Integrity. Which means that when one is transcended,he can only get purification according to the number of values he has excellently reminiscenced on,some may have few while some many, that is while someone may be good in observing one value but he may not be good in the other. Everyone is encouraged to strive to be reminiscenced to the maximum values we could be allowed to,because that will help you to transcend and cement those values in order to live excellent life of Integrity.

One may ask here: how would he know when he has gotten the maximum values during reminiscencing-transcedency theory of purification? Interestingly,the answer lies on the saturation principle. It is when you get saturated before you are transported by The Integrity,and reconstructionism takes place again by The Integrity. At this point,it is The Integrity that decides the extent of the values you are qualified to be endowed with.


Remember transcendency is one thing,and preservation of it is another thing,which means if you have not preserved those values you have acquired during transcendency very well,you may lose them,and when you lose then you may need to transcend again before you acquire another one. But transcedenting again may not be the problem,but where the problem lies is that you may not be able to acquire as much values as you acquired in the first period,though there is still possibility that you can acquire higher value than the one you acquired at the first purification(depending on your dedication and commitment).

Remember,at every point one transcends,The Integrity keeps the record of the person,and how much and on what value or values he transcended,the less number of transcendent the more happy The Integrity becomes, because your number of transcendent shows how much or less your strength in upholding your purification. That is the reason it would be good you continue to strive to keep that which you have gotten securely by continuous practice.

How then do you preserve your values after purification? You preserve them by safe guiding them carefully,by practising, by continually reminiscencing on those values you have acquired,and also keeping close company of like mannered which can be found in The Integrity Organization.


Does it then mean that people of other origin does not have values nor could not live right life? They may have values and could even struggle to live right life, but theirs are not as pure and enduring as the one of the members of The Integrity Organization who have been reminiscencingly-transcedented, because the power of reminiscencing-transcendency of purification only lies with The Integrity,and The Integrity can only be accessed through The Integrity Organization. So it is therefore our responsibility to make them to understand the potency of reminiscencing-transcendency theory of purification in The Integrity Organization, because they will not get to know about it unless a member or members of The Integrity Organization tell them.

Moreover,it is note worthy here to emphasis that Reminiscencing-transcedency Theory of Purification in the Integrity Organization has its Fundamentalism which comprises it's foundationalism and conditionalism.

Igweolisa Sunday Nebeolisa-Igwe(ISN)

* Founding President "The Integrity Organization"/FPTIO

* Human development philosopher/researcher/Theorist(HDP)

* Propounder:

-The Theory of Integrity (PTTI)

-The purification theory (PTPT)

-Reminiscencing-transcedency Theory/RTT(Nebeolism-Igweism)- PRTT

-Igweolisa Nebeolisa-Igwe Social order Theory: a better alternative to Thomas Hobbes Social Contract Theory (PSOT)

-I.S Nebeolisa-Igwe: A Theory of Justice:(PTJ)

-Nebeolisa-Igwe: The doctrine of Leadership

*Global peace Ambassador:

-Publicity Ambassador of peace(PAP)

- Massenger of Peace(MP)

(for worldwide peace and cessation of war).

ISN: Nebeolism-Igweism;2020/10/19.

Igweolisa Sunday Nebeolisa-Igwe

Human development Philosopher/researcher/theorist,propounder Reminiscencing-transcedency theory, President"The Integrity Organization", Global Peace Ambassador.