Igweolisa Sunday Nebeolisa-Igwe
6 min readJul 5, 2020


The state has become an indispensable entity in human existence,even to the extent that it might seem intellectual delusional for anyone to theorise or postulate an alternative practicable entity of the state.Her indispensability is directly tied to her popularised outermost responsibility of protection of lives and properties due to her custodianship of monopoly of coercive force. This obvious attribute of the state wouldn't have come into place without the original consent of the citizens in probably a "hypothetical state of nature" as theorized in the social contract theory of the state by the great political philosopher,Thomas Hobbes. Apparently,the citizens consented via a social contract basically because of man inhumanity to man and other calamities in the "hypothetical state of nature" (which was described as being solitary,nasty, brutish and short by Thomas Hobbes). The ideology of social contract theory was therefore postulated by Thomas Hobbes,the foremost social contract theorist,as a platform to resolving the then greatest challenge of the society,which was "social order",though I suspect that Hobbies understood it as security of lives and properties. That could be the reason his theory was centrally occupied by that.

However needful,this particular school of thought had been held tenaciously for centuries by the citizens and states for as long as the state had existed.

But In as much as I sincerely appreciate and applaud Thomas Hobbes for coming up with an ideology,a principle or a theory purposed to confront the most dehumanising challenge of his generation and generations thereafter, I nevertheless think that the contemporary societal challenges of our time ,manifested in various degrees of violence,wars and other acts of man inhumanity to man, environment and nature ought to have pushed us to the drawing board,(since Hobbes social contract has not given us desired 21st century social order). And that(our being pushed to the drawing board) would have warranted us to take a bold step of questioning "how well Hobbes's theory had fared over time viz-a-viz the current social,political, economic and Religious challenges and insecurity facing our modern and contemporary society today? It is this particular position that has propelled one into this journey of alternative enduring approach to solving this our generation's very pressing problem of social order and the one of other generations to come. Reminiscencing-transcedency theory/RTT(Nebeolism-Igweism) has played a prominent role in bringing about Igweolisa Nebeolisa-Igwe "social order theory": a better alternative to Thomas Hobbes"Social Contract theory",as a viable means of confronting Hobbes social contract weakness.

In furtherance,it would be important henceforth to understand that amidst the foregoing of bringing to the state "Igweolisa Nebeolisa-Igwe 'social order theory' a better alternative to Thomas Hobbes 'Social Contract theory' ",it has been our centuries long tradition in the noble field of philosophy to examine, analyse,reanalyse,make appraisal , reappraisal,prescribe,represcribe and make a cretique of ideologies postulations and theories of fellow philosophers (either senior or junior) with a view to knowing it's efficacy in confronting contemporary challenges or finding a better alternative,for the purpose of Solving societal problems. In correspondence to this golden perttern of philosophy, Igweolisa Nebeolisa-Igwe "social order theory:a better alternative to Thomas Hobbes "social contract theory" is not in anyway purposed, to downplay ,make mockery or to rubbish Hobbes many centuries idiologies in his theory of state which proposed protection of lives and properties as the primary responsibility of the state. Rather it is to do justice to the institutional modus operandi of the noble field of philosophy,(which the formidable outcome would be for a better Society) .Afterall,we all(in the field of philosophy) hold Hobbes in high esteem for being a leading light in the theories of the state,and also for being a propounder,postulator or theorizer of a well rated 'Social Contract theory' that had not only been a guide and inspiration to us but also had been generally accepted over centuries by people across societies and professions as a viable strategy for state cohesion. Such had been used as a template in running societies across the world. Nevertheless,one would not rule out the fact that in certain circumstances,the theory might have been under used,over used, misapplied or even abused by people who might not have had the true understanding or sufficient knowledge of Hobbes Social Contract theory. Though such circumstances might not be strange in the execution of ideologies of philosophy whose understanding by people of other endeavours most often poses a challenge because of some ambiguities associated with philosophical ideas.

Considering the forging,the inability of Hobbes theory to manifest in optimal performance as a catalyst in protection of lives and properties might have been associated with its weakness which might include the following:

(1) For the fact that Hobbes "state of nature" is hypothetical, it would had by the way posed a challenge of knowing the exact theoritical method to apply to get the exact solution. Expantiatedly,any doctor that is administering drugs to a patient without knowing the exact illness or on mere guess,might end up not knowing the exact drugs to administer and cure the illness.

(2) Thomas Hobbes didn't define explicitly what constutes protection of lives and properties nor give in explicit terms the yardstick for measuring either the success or failure of protection of lives and properties as his ideology entails.

(3) Hobbes Social Contract theory didn't clearly specify the extent of the citizens rights that should be surrendered or not surrendered to the state for the state to in turn protect lives and properties of the citizens, neither does it obviously state to what extent the citizens would assume that the state has failed in her responsibilities. This particular circumstance keeps the citizens in total subjugation by the state

(4) Moreso,it was not clearly stated,what the citizens would do to the state when the state fails in her responsibilities,neither does it provides a way for reassessment and renegotiation of the contract in a situation any of the parties are no longer comfortable or favourable to the contract. This in turn gives the state absolute authority.

(5) Beyond application of coercive force for protection of lives and properties,by the state to secure the citizens,there are other fundamental social political economic and even religious necessities of the citizens which if properly taken care of by the state,they would have provided a veritable platform for protection of lives and properties,among these are social amenities and other instruments of enabling environment,for businesses to thrive.

(6) The over dependent of the citizens on the state for security of lives and properties as necessitated by the Hobbes Social Contract theory has to a great extent worsen the general status of the state's security systems and obviously the general outcome of security of lives and properties in the entire Society. While security of lives and properties ought to be everybody's business.

(7) The state is just one among other institutions of Social order. But Hobbes failled to take cognizance of that,may be primarily because he over concentrated on security as the aultimate priority of the citizens then.

Considering the above weaknesses and others not expressively outlined,it becomes obvious that a house divided against itself can not stand,inveribly meaning that Hobbes theory already had many crack that could weaken it's potency to uphold protection of lives and properties.

But however that may be there would never be adequate security of lives and properties until there is social order. The above proposition is what brought about; Igweolisa Nebeolisa-Igwe social order theory: A better alternative to Thomas Hobbes Social Contract theory.

Considering the above explanatory Understanding,my next article in line with Igweolisa Nebeolisa-Igwe social order theory :a better alternative to Thomas Hobbes Social Contract theory will focus on the central theme of the theory. kindly watch out!

Igweolisa Sunday Nebeolisa-Igwe (ISN)

* Founding President "The Integrity Organization"/FPTIO ( www.theintegritynetwork.org )

* Human development philosopher/researcher/Theorist(HDP)

* Propounder:

-The theory of Integrity (PTTI)

"Reminiscencing-transcedency theory/RTT(Nebeolism-Igweism)- PRTT

-Social order theory: a better alternative to Thomas Hobbes Social Contract theory (PSOT)

*Global peace Ambassador( www.hwpl.kr ):

-Publicity Ambassador of peace(PAP)

- Massenger of Peace(MP)

(for worldwide peace and cessation of war).

ISN. 2020/07/05.

Igweolisa Sunday Nebeolisa-Igwe

Human development Philosopher/researcher/theorist,propounder Reminiscencing-transcedency theory, President"The Integrity Organization", Global Peace Ambassador.