Bigfoot’s Nocturnal Behavior: Stunning Footage Captured by Campers with Night Vision Camera

8 min readOct 11, 2023


Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, has been a topic of fascination and debate for decades. While many claim to have seen the elusive creature, there is little concrete evidence to support its existence. However, in May 2012, two campers in Torreya State Park near Quincy, Florida, captured stunning footage of what they believe to be Bigfoot. Armed with a night vision camera, the father-son duo recorded the creature exhibiting nocturnal behavior, which is often attributed to hunting or avoiding detection.

Retired Army Ranger Stacy Brown, Senior, and his filmmaker son, Stacy Brown, Junior, were on a search for Bigfoot when they heard some noises and decided to investigate. They pulled out their FLIR thermal camera and headed down a trail, where they noticed a little black object sticking out of a tree. The thermal camera was rolling as Stacy Senior noticed the creature, which took off and crossed a gap before the camera went dead. The footage captured by the Browns has been analyzed and debated by Bigfoot investigators and enthusiasts alike, with many considering it to be some of the most convincing evidence to date.

Noted Bigfoot investigator Steve Kulls says that the area where the footage was captured is not surprising, as Florida has a history of sightings of what is known as the Skunk Ape. While the Skunk Ape is not quite as big or robust as Bigfoot sightings in the Pacific Northwest, it is considered to be the same type of creature. The footage captured by the Browns has reignited the debate surrounding Bigfoot and has left many wondering about the existence of this mysterious creature.

Bigfoot’s Nocturnal Behavior

Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is a mysterious creature that has been the subject of many sightings and encounters. While many people believe that Bigfoot is a nocturnal creature, there is still much debate about its behavior patterns. In this section, we will explore the nocturnal behavior of Bigfoot and what it could mean for its hunting and evasion tactics.

Hunting Habits

One theory about Bigfoot’s nocturnal behavior is that it is a hunting tactic. Many animals, such as wolves and coyotes, are known to hunt at night when their prey is less alert and easier to catch. Bigfoot could be using the cover of darkness to hunt for food, which could explain why it is often spotted at night.

However, there is little evidence to support this theory. Bigfoot is a highly elusive creature, and there have been few documented cases of it actually hunting. In fact, there is little information available about what Bigfoot eats, which makes it difficult to determine whether it is a predator or a scavenger.

Evasion Tactics

Another theory about Bigfoot’s nocturnal behavior is that it is an evasion tactic. Bigfoot is known for being extremely elusive and difficult to track, which could be why it is often spotted at night. By staying hidden during the day and only coming out at night, Bigfoot could be using the cover of darkness to avoid detection.

This theory is supported by the fact that many Bigfoot sightings occur in remote, wooded areas where there is little human activity. Bigfoot could be using these areas as a refuge during the day, and only venturing out at night when it feels safe to do so.

Overall, while there is still much debate about Bigfoot’s behavior patterns, it is clear that it exhibits nocturnal behavior. Whether this is a hunting tactic or an evasion tactic is still up for debate, but it is clear that Bigfoot is a highly elusive creature that is difficult to track and study.

The Footage

The footage captured by Stacy Brown Sr. and Jr. in Torreya State Park in May 2012 is considered by many to be some of the most compelling evidence of Bigfoot’s existence. The footage was shot using a FLIR thermal camera, which allows the viewer to see heat signatures in the dark. The footage shows a large, bipedal creature moving through the woods, and has been analyzed and debated by experts and enthusiasts alike.

Capture Details

The footage was captured by Stacy Brown Sr. and Jr. while they were camping in Torreya State Park, near Quincy, Florida. The pair were on a search for Bigfoot, and had set up a night vision camera to try and capture any activity. They heard noises in the woods, and decided to investigate using a FLIR thermal camera. As they walked down a trail, they heard something running on either side of them, before Stacy Sr. spotted a black object sticking out of a tree. The object took off and crossed a gap, prompting Stacy Sr. to panic and tell his son they needed to leave.

The footage itself is just over two minutes long, and shows a large, bipedal creature moving through the woods. The creature appears to be covered in hair, and moves quickly and fluidly through the trees. It is difficult to make out any specific features due to the poor lighting, but the heat signature is clear.

Campers’ Experience

Stacy Brown Jr. has spoken extensively about the experience of capturing the footage. He has described how his father spotted the creature and how they both panicked when it started moving towards them. They ran back to their truck, with Stacy Sr. repeatedly asking if his son had his gun. Once they were safely in the truck, they reviewed the footage and were amazed by what they had captured.

The experience had a profound effect on Stacy Jr., who has become a vocal advocate for Bigfoot research and investigation. He has spoken at conferences and appeared on TV shows to discuss the footage and his experiences in the woods. Despite some criticism and skepticism from the scientific community, he remains convinced that what he and his father captured on film was evidence of Bigfoot’s existence.

The Incident

In May 2012, Stacy Brown, Senior, a retired Army Ranger, and his filmmaker son, Stacy Brown, Junior, went camping in Torreya State Park, near the town of Quincy, Florida. They were on a search for the elusive Bigfoot. During their expedition, they heard some noises and pulled out their FLIR thermal camera to investigate further.

Thermal Camera Usage

The thermal camera captured footage of a little black object sticking out of one side of a tree, and then it took off and crossed a gap. Stacy Senior noticed the object and went into full-blown panic mode when it disappeared. The camera went dead, and they decided to leave the area immediately.

Encounter with Bigfoot

Back at their truck, Stacy Junior reviewed the footage and discovered that they had captured an eye-popping image of Bigfoot. Stacy knew that the footage was proof to him and his dad because they were a mile and a half into the woods, running around with no flashlight.

Noted Bigfoot investigator Steve Kulls was not surprised by the area where the footage was captured. He explained that in Florida, they have something called the Skunk Ape, which is a Bigfoot-type of creature. The Skunk Ape is not quite as big or robust as the ones in the Pacific Northwest, but it is expected due to the location.

In conclusion, the incident captured by the Browns’ thermal camera is an intriguing piece of evidence that adds to the ongoing mystery of Bigfoot. While some skeptics may question the authenticity of the footage, it remains a compelling piece of evidence for those who believe in the existence of Bigfoot.

Bigfoot Evidence Analysis

First Look at the Footage

The footage captured by Stacy Brown and his son in May 2012 near the town of Quincy, Florida, is one of the most intriguing pieces of evidence for the existence of Bigfoot. The thermal camera footage shows a large, bipedal creature moving quickly through the woods, and then disappearing behind a tree. The footage is clear and shows the creature’s body heat signature as it moves.

The footage shows the creature exhibiting nocturnal behavior, which is consistent with many reported sightings of Bigfoot. The creature appears to be moving quickly, which suggests that it may have been hunting or trying to avoid detection. The footage also shows the creature moving in a way that is consistent with eyewitness reports of Bigfoot, including its size and shape.

Investigator’s Insight

Bigfoot investigator Steve Kulls has analyzed the footage and provided his insight into what it shows. Kulls notes that the area where the footage was captured is known for sightings of the Skunk Ape, a Bigfoot-like creature that is said to inhabit Florida. Kulls believes that the creature in the footage is likely a Skunk Ape.

Kulls also notes that the creature in the footage appears to be moving with purpose, which suggests that it was not simply wandering through the woods. He believes that the creature may have been hunting or looking for food. Kulls also notes that the creature’s movements are consistent with those of a bipedal primate, and that its size and shape are consistent with eyewitness reports of Bigfoot.

Overall, the footage captured by Stacy Brown and his son provides compelling evidence for the existence of Bigfoot. While it is not conclusive proof, the footage is clear and shows a large, bipedal creature moving through the woods in a way that is consistent with eyewitness reports of Bigfoot. Further investigation is needed to determine the true nature of the creature in the footage, but it is clear that this is one of the most intriguing pieces of evidence for the existence of Bigfoot.

The Skunk Ape

The Skunk Ape is a legendary creature that is believed to inhabit the swamps and forests of the southeastern United States. It is also known as the Swamp Ape, Stink Ape, and Myakka Ape. The name “Skunk Ape” comes from the creature’s reported strong odor, which is said to resemble that of a skunk.


The Skunk Ape is described as a large, hairy, bipedal creature that stands between 5 and 7 feet tall. It is said to weigh between 300 and 500 pounds and has a muscular build. Its fur is usually reddish-brown or black and is said to be long and shaggy. The creature is said to have a conical head, broad shoulders, and a sloping forehead. Its eyes are said to be small and set deep in its skull.


Sightings of the Skunk Ape have been reported for many years, particularly in the state of Florida. Many of the sightings have been in the swamps and forests of the Everglades and the Big Cypress National Preserve. The first reported sighting of the creature was in 1957, when a group of hunters claimed to have seen a large, hairy creature in the Florida Everglades.

Since then, there have been many other reported sightings of the Skunk Ape. In 1974, a police officer in Sarasota County, Florida, reported seeing a large, hairy creature on the side of the road. In 2000, a group of hikers in the Big Cypress National Preserve claimed to have seen a large, hairy creature walking through the woods. In 2013, a woman in Collier County, Florida, claimed to have seen a Skunk Ape in her backyard.

Despite the many reported sightings of the Skunk Ape, there is no conclusive evidence that the creature actually exists. Some researchers believe that the sightings may be of misidentified animals, such as bears or feral hogs. Others believe that the Skunk Ape may be a type of undiscovered primate, similar to the legendary Bigfoot.

