Land Sale Brave Frontier Heroes Makes $72.000 Within Hours

All legendary land sold out!

Robert Hoogendoorn
Play to Earn


Within three hours after the launch of the land sale for Brave Frontier Heroes the most expensive and rare pieces of land were sold out. In total 180 pieces of legendary land were sold for a total of 5.4 million ZEL. That means that Double Jump.Tokyo made almost 72 thousand dollars on the sale of legendary land alone.

Besides the legendary land pieces, there are also less rare epic and uncommon lands. These are cheaper and available in bigger quantities. Both are still available for all of the continents.

The world of Brave Frontier Heroes has six continents, referred to as lands. Each of these land is made up out of legendary, epic and uncommon territory. The cheapest territories are 3 thousand ZEL, while the most expensive ones are 30 thousand ZEL. That means that land is anywhere between 40 and 400 dollars.

Brave Frontier Heroes expanding

When Brave Frontier Heroes launched in January, the game received lots of praise and attention. In the past two months Double Jump.Tokyo has added all kinds of content to the game. The company has concluded multiple hero sales, has been adding new kinds of quests, and a raid system. In addition it will now add land, more quests, and a…



Robert Hoogendoorn
Play to Earn

Metaverse citizen, Web3 enthusiast, NFT collector. Learning about blockchain every day, sharing my knowledge and passion. Head of Content at DappRadar