The Sandbox Teases Upcoming Land Sale Locations

🌛 MoonSale starting next week on Thursday, June 4th

Robert Hoogendoorn
Play to Earn
4 min readMay 29, 2020


On Thursday June 4th The Sandbox will organize the first out of six smaller pre-sale events, and players can now get a glimpse of which locations will go on sale. Around the area of the third pre-sale, there are now six smaller areas. Each of these will go on sale on a weekly basis.

There are two smaller area of 711 land parcels each, and four bigger areas of 1458 land parcels. The first week starts on June 4th, and the sixth week on July 2nd. The second and the fourth week are the moment the smaller areas will go on sale. Gamers can buy a total of 7254 land parcels over the course of a six-week period.

Based on the cycle described above and the fact that this sale is based on a moon cycle, it’s safe to assume that the land sales cycle for The Sandbox will move around the clock from to embrace all locations. It would be similar to the lunar theme attached to the event. The sale will likely start with the location on top, followed by the small one on the right, and so on. However, TSB Gaming has not confirmed this.

This MoonSale will happen in waves. On June 4th, June 11th, June 16th, June 23rd, June 30th and July 2nd the team will sell land parcels. Each amount of available land differs per wave, but it’s either 711 or 1458 land parcels. During this six week period 6 percent of the total land supply will be sold, which means 7254 land parcels.

There will be 1134 single land pieces on sale, 480 small estates (3×3 land parcels) and 50 large estates (6×6). During the treasure hunt players can also win a 12×12 estate, with a value of approximately 5500 dollars. Certain land parcels will be open to the public, and need to be visited to partake in the giveaway.

Register to get in on the land sale: click

Atari dominated during pre-sale 3

The area these smaller sales are positioned around, is known from the third pre-sale The Sandbox did two months ago. The main attraction in that area was Atari. The gaming brand announced a partnership with The Sandbox, and will bring a variety of games to the blockchain-powered metaverse. At the center of it all is an Atari theme park. Land surrounding that theme park has already increased in value, merely based on speculation.

These land sales do very well for The Sandbox. During the third pre-sale the team made 470 thousand dollars within 24 hours. The average peer-to-peer trading price on OpenSea is 0.91 ETH, but this also includes bigger bundles of land. Currently the cheapest land parcel available costs 0.24 ETH, which is 52 dollars. During the pre-sale land will be priced $38.40.

What is The Sandbox?

The Sandbox is one of the blockchain-powered virtual worlds currently in development. This particular virtual world is supposed to launch its beta test later this year, but before that time there will be one more pre-sale. During this pre-sale gamers, businesses and investors can buy virtual land with a discount. You can now register, to make sure you’re not missing out. The upcoming moon doesn’t count as an official pre-sale, as it’s a smaller event.

The virtual world of The Sandbox consists out of lands, and voxels fill up each of those lands. Visually it will remind many gamers of Minecraft, as both games have this Lego-inspired look to them. However, players are able to buy virtual land and implement any form of monetization. These virtual lands can become mini-games, adventures, virtual shops, extensions of actual webshops, a space for social gatherings, and so on.

TSB Gaming is providing free tools for developers, gamers and content creators to add and monetize content in the virtual world. Creators can use VoxEdit to make objects and avatars, while the upcoming Game Maker will allow users to add game rules to their virtual land.

Play to Earn is a digital publication spread out over a variety of platforms including Medium, Twitter, Substack and its own website It’s solely about blockchain gaming and related topics, aimed to educate and inform. Because we write about decentralized gaming, we’ve also created our own website using decentralized hosting through IPFS.



Robert Hoogendoorn
Play to Earn

Metaverse citizen, Web3 enthusiast, NFT collector. Learning about blockchain every day, sharing my knowledge and passion. Head of Content at DappRadar