When Simon and Nagolbud Traveled Through the Rubber Chicken Time Machine

Neebs Gaming
5 min readAug 11, 2023


When Simon heard about Nagolbud’s Rubber Chicken Time Machine, he was fascinated. This mysterious contraption was said to be able to take its passengers on a journey through time and space, and he was determined to find out if it was true. After months of preparation, they finally set off on their adventure, and what happened next was something that neither of them could have imagined.

What is the Rubber Chicken Time Machine?
The Rubber Chicken Time Machine is a unique and mysterious contraption that has captured the imaginations of many. But what exactly is it? Well, it is said to be a time-travel device that takes its passengers on extraordinary journeys through time and space. The name may sound silly, but don’t be fooled — this is no ordinary machine.

The Rubber Chicken Time Machine was created by a brilliant inventor named Nagolbud who was known for his unconventional ideas. It is said that he combined advanced technology with the power of imagination to create a one-of-a-kind experience. This contraption is said to transport its passengers to different eras, allowing them to witness historical events firsthand.

Simon was intrigued by the stories he had heard about the Rubber Chicken Time Machine and was determined to see if it was true. And so, their adventure began as they embarked on a journey that would take them to unimaginable destinations.

The Adventure Begins: Simon and Nagolbud Enter the Time Machine
With hearts pounding and excitement in the air, Simon and Nagolbud stepped into the Rubber Chicken Time Machine. As they closed the door behind them, Simon couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation for the adventure that awaited.

The interior of the time machine was filled with an array of buttons, levers, and flashing lights, giving it a fantastical and futuristic vibe. Simon and Nagolbud strapped themselves into their seats and held on tight as the contraption whirred to life.

Suddenly, the room was filled with a burst of light and a feeling of weightlessness. It was as if they were being transported to another dimension. As they embarked on this thrilling journey, they couldn’t help but wonder what amazing sights and experiences lay ahead. Little did they know, their lives were about to change forever.

The First Stop: A Medieval Jousting Tournament
As the Rubber Chicken Time Machine whirred to a halt, Simon and Nagolbud found themselves transported to a bustling medieval jousting tournament. The air was filled with excitement and the sound of thundering hooves as knights in shining armor charged at each other with lances in hand.

The crowd cheered and roared as the competitors displayed their incredible horsemanship and skill. Simon and Nagolbud watched in awe as they witnessed the medieval spectacle unfold before their eyes.

They marveled at the elaborate costumes, the grandeur of the tournament grounds, and the sheer bravery of the knights. It was a sight straight out of history books, but here they were, experiencing it firsthand. It was an unforgettable first stop on their incredible journey through time and space.

The Second Stop: Sword Fighting Lessons with Fiore Dei Liberi
With adrenaline still coursing through their veins from the exhilarating jousting tournament, Simon and Nagolbud found themselves transported to a picturesque courtyard.

The sounds of clashing swords filled the air as they realized they were in the presence of Fiore Dei Liberi, Nagolbud’s great grandpa, and a renowned master of swordsmanship from the 14th century. Simon watched in awe as Fiore effortlessly demonstrated various techniques and maneuvers, explaining the importance of balance, footwork, and precision.

Simon was invited to join in the training and was soon wielding a sword himself, feeling the weight and power of each swing. Under Fiore’s patient guidance, he learned the art of sword fighting, discovering a newfound appreciation for the intricacies and skill required.

It was a surreal experience, to say the least, to be trained by a master from centuries ago, and Simon couldn’t help but feel a sense of honor and privilege to be part of such an extraordinary adventure through time and space.

The Third Stop: A Dystopian Future and a Rebel Hideout
As the Rubber Chicken Time Machine transported Simon and Nagolbud to their third stop, they found themselves in a dystopian future. The once bustling city streets were now empty and dilapidated, covered in graffiti and debris.

It was a stark contrast to the historical wonders they had experienced in their previous stops. As they cautiously explored their surroundings, they stumbled upon a hidden rebel hideout. Inside, they were greeted by a group of fearless individuals who were fighting against the oppressive regime that ruled this bleak future.

These rebels shared their stories of resistance, their hopes for a better world, and the sacrifices they made for their cause. Simon and Nagolbud were moved by their courage and determination, inspired to make a difference in their own time. This stop served as a powerful reminder of the importance of standing up for justice and fighting against tyranny.

The Return Home: Reflections on the Adventure
As Simon and Nagolbud stepped out of the Rubber Chicken Time Machine and returned to their present time, they couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with a mix of emotions. Simon yelled out “This is why there’s never gonna be a women president, they’re too emotional. They’re too emotional, sorry it’s true.” Nagolbud simply nodded in agreement.

Their extraordinary journey through time and space had come to an end, but the memories and experiences they had gained would stay with them forever.

Reflecting on the adventure, Simon marveled at the power of the Rubber Chicken Time Machine to transport them to different eras and allow them to witness history firsthand. From the excitement of a medieval jousting tournament to the awe-inspiring sword fighting lessons with a 14th-century master, and the sobering glimpse into a dystopian future, each stop had left a lasting impression.

The journey had not only entertained them but also ignited a sense of curiosity and appreciation for the past, present, and future. It reminded them of the importance of preserving history, honing skills, and fighting for a better world. They couldn’t help but feel inspired to make the most of their own time and contribute to creating a future worth living in.

As they shared their stories with others, Simon and Nagolbud hoped to inspire others to embrace adventure, curiosity, and the pursuit of knowledge. The Rubber Chicken Time Machine had opened Simon’s eyes to the wonders of the world and reminded them of the infinite possibilities that exist when we dare to explore.



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