Neelam Chakrabarty
1 min readJul 2, 2017


why do people think writing an apology like this takes courage? In fact its the simplest way out for such people — say sorry, get some sympathy from folks, and you are on your way to changing the world again! In my opinion, once a creep, always a creep, this doesn’t change anything, people. Once the story is forgotten as people are distracted by the news of another VC targeting another woman to offer him sexual favors, he (and other such creeps) will be back in action, doing the same thing. It would have been a sincere apology if he had done it on his own and not waited until he was caught



Neelam Chakrabarty

CEO/co-founder of Oroola, modern and safe collaboration platform for parents, PTA and high school students. #BeAnInvolvedParentNotATigerParent