10 ways to Up-skill for trainers during Lock down

2 min readMay 4, 2020


I love this quote by Elizabeth Edwards, “Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that’s good.”

Most of the people provide advice that we need to stay alive, stay afloat, stay safe during this lock down period. I say “Lets move one step ahead and thrive”.

Soft skill trainers are the most hard hit by lock down among all trainers. We were engaged by clients because we created the humane touch, invoked emotions and made learning fun. Of course, our subject, Soft skills demands it. Now we are finding ourselves cheated of the opportunity to create magic. However as i said earlier, we are a bunch of resilient lot . So we not only adapt, we up-skill and excel!

Here are the 10 ways which can help trainers, learn and adapt to the new world.

  1. Learn the nuances of digital collaboration or meeting tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet etc.
  2. Update your digital profile on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube.
  3. Modify your existing offerings to suit the new-world.
  4. Create new offerings which add value in the digital world.
  5. Attend online sessions and learn new skills to enrich your profile.
  6. Create/Learn interactive ways to engage participants online.
  7. Conduct free courses and online sessions to help others and make yourself visible.
  8. Understand your strength areas using proven, reliable tools like MBTI tests, Gallup’s Strengths-finder etc. Then set newer goals for the future.
  9. Mentor someone in need — students, professionals or even your peers.
  10. The above 9 steps are impossible to achieve if you don’t stay fit. So exercise, eat right, spend time with family, stay happy and Stay Geared!

I am extremely optimistic that we all will get over this pandemic, find newer work opportunities, make new friends and equipped to face the New World.

