What happens when a URL is typed, and how does the browser display it’s content ?

5 min readAug 2, 2019


Browser is ubiquitous to our entry into the connected world of Internet. We use it daily without realising what happens behind the scene. Today we explore in this article the life of a URL from being entered into the URL box to it being rendered in the browser.

Let us begin with:

Step 1 : Enter a URL http://ebay.com

Step 2 : Looks up the DNS entry for the website address added at Step1

Browser looks at IP address of domain name. Every url has an associated ipaddress mapped to it and it is stored in a DNS server. DNS is analogous to a phone book, where is website address has a correspondig ipaddress, whcih makes it easier for users to remember . DNS lookup happens in the following order.

  • First it checks Browser Cache : All modern browsers are maintain DNS cache for a short duration. The benefit is faster rendering of page.
  • Second it check OS Cache : The underlying OS is the last place for DNS lookup before the search leaves the user’s machine.
  • Router Cache : If the DNS is not found in user machine, then it checks the router
  • ISP Cache : Finally the recursive resolver in your ISP recieves the request, first it will check its local storage, if not found than it will use the recursive resolver to query the root servers and finally resolve the ipaddress.

Step 3: Browser initiates a TCP connection with the server with the given ipaddress resolved

Step4 : Browser send a Get request

Notice that it gets a status 301. Which is a status response to show that the resource has moved permanently from the location requested by the GET request.

Generally, if a user does not enter correct URL, or multiple different url to access the site, it will redirect so that it does not impact page ranking in Google/Bing.

Step 5:

In the above example, ebay.com server will handle the GET request, process it, and will generate HTML response to be sent back to the browser.

Step 6:

Browser will recieve the HTML response, go through a process of parsing, and requesting more data, till has enough information to render the complete page for the requested URL.

Browser Application

Now, we will dive into the process that happens when the HTML is recieved by the Browser. Before that, let us what exactly is the browser composed of.

Browser has 7 abstract layers :

  • UI
  • Browser Engine
  • Rendering Engine
  • UI Backend
  • JS Interpreter
  • Networking

UI Layer : UI layer consists of the common things that we see as soon we open the browser. Back/Forward Navigation. URL box, Bookmark button. All that is visible when a browser app is opened, is part of the UI layer, except the main window where content is displayed.

Browser Engine: This is the browser process which manages the all render process and displays it in UI. Many browser do to not have it as a separate layer and keep it an an integral part of Rendering engine.

Rendering Engine : This is one of the main software behind the browser which enables the layout and display of the browser. Performs all the parsing and layout work. Since its one of the main pieces of puzzle will be described in detail below. Each of the major browser has its own rendering engine

Networking : Network layer is what handles all HTTP requests of the browser. Along with it security.

Javascript : Every browser has a javascript interpreter, which compiles the javascript and processes the javascript code

  • Chrome : uses V8 engine, developed by Google
  • Firefox : uses SpiderMonkey — the first JavaScript engine
  • Safari: uses JavaScriptCore — open source, marketed as Nitro and developed by Apple for Safari

UI Backend:used for drawing basic widgets like combo boxes and windows. This backend exposes a generic interface that is not platform specific. Underneath it uses operating system user interface methods.

Data Persistence Layer : This is the data storage layer where web applications can store data locally like in cookies, etc. The other mechanism browser supports is web storage, IndexedDb, WebSQL

Storage as shown in Browser

Rendering Engine

As described earlier this is the main software piece powering the browser.

Different browsers use different engines either developed by them or a variant of common forked version. It determines the look loading time, and how html appears in the browser.

Currently, these are the main rendering engine of which most popular is Blink ( created by Google under Chromium project)

  • WebKit ( Safari)
  • Gecko ( Firefox)
  • Blink (Chrome, Opera, Edge as of 2019)
  • Trident ( IE)

Basic working of all rendering engine is as following.

Parse the HTML for DOM tree, and CSS for CSSDOM tree. The combination of both is called a Render tree.

Rendering Engine Flow
Rendering Engine Flow

HTML parser which constructs the DOM tree does not use Context Free Grammar, in other words, it is more forgiving of the syntax used by the developers, and does not penalize for a missing end element or placed in wrong order.

Ouput of the above parser is the DOM tree structure. DOM tree is what is used by developers to interact with the browser to create, and manipulate the page.

<td>Shady Grove</td>
<td>Over the River, Charlie</td>

Sample DOM tree from above HTML

Example taken from https://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/introduction.html

Render Tree

Render tree only contains the visible elements on the screen. When the renderer is created by combination of CSSDOM and HTML DOM it does not have a position and size. To calculate these values is called layout.


Layout is a recursive process. It begins at the root renderer, and correspond to <html> elemet of the HTML document, and this process keeps working recursively to check how much space each element will take on the page. Output of the layout process is the box model.


This is the last process before the page is ready for end user. It involves drawing out text color, images, border every visual part of element. It is done onto multiple surface called layers.

Another final way of giving final picture of how the browser works found at hackernoon.




