Advantages of Computer networks

3 min readJun 23, 2022


A Computer Network is a set of electronically connected computers which can share information and resources themselves. Computer Networks is also called the group of computers which is connected with one another with the help of Network. There are so many type of Computer Network are there for connecting through the different computers. Type of computer Networks depends upon the computer system. For example if there are large number of computer systems then we need large computer networks for connecting with themselves. There are so many advantages of computer networks that will also force us to do the work related to computer networking. The advantages of computer networks is given below :

Advantages of computer networks

1. File Sharing :- This is one of the most important advantages of computer networks because it allows the file sharing and remote access. A person sitting at any place can share their files and resources via connected through a network and also see another persons files and resources sitting at any other place and connected through a network. This saves the time and also saves the cost.

2. Organization :- Computer network also variety of scheduling software that makes it possible to arrange meetings without constantly checking everyone schedule. Sometime there is need of meeting but unfortunately due to some circumstances not everyone come then we can use this software for meeting or any other work. This is also the main advantages of computer networks.

3. Inexpensive Set-Up :- Shared resources mean reduction in hardware costs. If all the files and resources are shared by multiple users than there will be reduction in memory management which causes reduction in file storage systems.

4. Flexible Handling :- With the help of computer networks user can share and access the files from anywhere. This provides the flexibility among all the users. Instead of this one more advantages of computer network is that the administrator also checks that which user on network has specific permissions to handle a file.

5. Communication and Collaboration :- The major problem came for people to work together and maintain a proper coordination among them. But in computer networks this problem is solved because all the people can see each other files with the help of computer networks. Thus it avoid conflicts among them.

6. Increased Storage Capacity :- There are more than one computer in the network. Therefore it is easy to share files and resources. This results in large storage capacity. A single computer may be short of storage. But on the computer networks there are so many computer that is connected to the single network. Therefore there is one more advantages of computer networks is increase storage capacity.

Disadvantages of Computer Networks

Instead of advantages of computer networks there are some limitations or drawbacks of computer networks are also there which can harm the computer networks system.

Disadvantages of computer networks

1. Security Concerns :- The main disadvantages of computer networks is the security issues that are involved. If there is single standalone computer than there is no problem at all but if all the computers are connected through the single network than it cause problem because a hacker can get unauthorized access using different tools. Thus he can theft any confidential information.

2. Lack of Independence :- Nearly all the networks have centralized server and dependent clients but sometimes a centralized decision making can give little information to client to use his own computer. So he will not able to use the information at different platforms.

3. Virus and Malware :- On a network all the computers are connected with one server or network. This is the advantages of computer networks. But if even in one computer the virus is entered then there is possible threat for the other systems getting affected too. Then this advantage can became disadvantages of computer networks for user. A virus or malware can spread very quickly on any network.

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