5 things you should never say to a mentally ill person.

2 min readAug 2, 2021

When I was going through severe anxiety last year, I often used to put stories on my social handles, of a song I was listening to, or a quote that was relatable.
One day out of nowhere a very close friend of mine texted me,
"Please don’t put these depressing stories anymore, it makes the environment negative around me."

I’m not even exaggerating, I felt like shit that whole day, and I don’t want anybody to feel that way, now from my experience, I’m going to tell you what you should never say ro your friend who is suffering through mental illness.

1. Its all in your head.

You have no idea what that person is going through, and when he share it with you, please, I beg you, don’t utter those harsh words from your mouth,that person doesn’t want to hear that, and above all it doesn’t make them feel better, it does not make any difference. Please be kind, people.

2. Misery comparison.
How bad your experience was, does not make other person’s experience lame or any less of a torture, everyone goes through their share of miseries and trauma in life, Don’t make them feel like "its all their fault" cause it is not.
I know from experience that people feel terrible after talking to people who went about their life stories and how what they went through was worse.
Please don’t do it.

3. Watch your tone
When a person is mentally ill, you never know what they will get hurt by and maybe they’ll never reach out to you again if you will not focus on your tone.
Your tone doesn’t look like a big deal, but it is, be careful yet kind when you are suggesting them something, some activity to do, some books to read.

They will love it, if you will be careful of your tone. You can hurt a person and you will never know ,you did that.
I hope you help a friend, without making him/her feel worse. I wish you luck.

Love. Live.

