Parenting without Manuals

Tales of a clueless newborn mom

Neetu Pereira
4 min readJul 11, 2024
Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash

Why are simple things like putting a sleepy kid to bed, convincing a hungry one to eat, and attempting to make a dirty kid clean such difficult tasks?

It’s as though these little ones are purposefully designed to push our buttons. Perhaps it’s the Almighty’s sweet revenge for the countless times we tested His patience, drove Him mad, and made Him question His decision to create us.

The Illusion of Perfect Parenting

Why are there so many glossy, misleading images of ideal parenting life out there? Shouldn't somebody have given a shout-out that you are dancing your way to chaos? That your ears are in for a symphony of hiccups, burps, farts, and blood-curdling screams, along with the occasional coos and giggles, and it is going to be the playlist of parenthood!

The Flood of Unsolicited Advice

The arrival of a newborn often attracts a flood of well-intended yet useless bits of advice, mostly rooted in baseless myths. During my second trimester, I received a gem of advice: sleep only on my left side to avoid the baby getting entangled in the umbilical cord. I took it very seriously, and my right side did not touch the bed for the last five months of my pregnancy. The outcome? A pulled nerve in my left leg resulted in a…



Neetu Pereira

Hi, I'm Neetu, a newbie writer and mom. Sharing my thoughts here is a new adventure for me. Making you smile with my musings means the world to me!