How to setup Spring and Hibernate integration

Neetu J
2 min readJun 24, 2022

Let’s see what are the steps :

1. Go to the website of Spring initializer

Spring initializer website

2. keep it as an option for project and Language

Maven Project & Java

3. Select the version of Spring Boot

4. Change your project metadata

i. Group : Project coordinates (Id of the project’s group)


orm -Object-Relational Mapping which provides an object-oriented layer between the database and programming languages without using SQL query.

ii. Artifacts : Project coordinates (Id of the artifacts)

iii. Choose the version of java in your system

5. Add Dependencies

spring web -Contains common web specific utilities for both Servlet and Portlet environments, while spring webmvc enables the MVC support for Servlet environments.

Spring Data JPA -All the hibernate-related dependencies are available.

MYSQL Driver -Connect MYSQL database.

6. Click on Generate

then save it in your system.

I hope this is useful to you. Have a great day!

