Are you a LEADER or JUST A BOSS?

Neffer Mustiola
2 min readAug 11, 2017



· A leader inspires enthusiasm never fear

· A leader coaches people

· A leader gives credit and congratulates people for their achievements never takes the credit of others

· A leader says let’s do it but the boss says do it

· A leader recognizes when other people are intelligent and have more clever ideas than him and doesn’t fear losing the so-called authority

· A leader has a clear plan of action and knows how to distribute the tasks among the team because he knows his team. A boss neither knows nor cares for the team, what he wants is results

· A leader knows the strengths and the weaknesses of every member of the team and knows how to create strategies, in order to bring up the best of each person. A boss is selfish and only thinks of him/her self

· A leader has an inclusive leadership not a exclusive leadership, which means that he looks after all the members of the team

· A leader makes people grow up professionally. A boss thinks it is a waste of time

· A leader listens to the team and creates an objective action plan based on his ideas and the team’s ideas. It is an our way of working more than a my way of working

· A leader likes people and really cares for the others

A leader takes care of his team as a mother bear cares for her sloth

Leaders have people skills and they have around 70% of these traits:

*When people talk to them , they pay attention

*They are willing to help people when they need their support

*They consider every human being important

*They don’t have favoritism with anyone

*They find beauty in every human being

*They don’t try to put people down

* If they are explaining something to someone and the person doesn’t get it easily ,they will find a way to make him understand

*They don’t discriminate people for their gender, age, race, education or background, because there is no such thing for them as superior and inferior people.

*If they run into somebody who is stressed out, angry, nervous they take an understanding position and they definitely don’t become defensive

*they are selfless

They are happy when they see people achieving their goals

Become the leader you will follow

Thank you reading this text,


Neffer Mustiola



Neffer Mustiola

I am an entrepreneur , a coach and a teacher. I have been living in Paris for five years and I am a very curious person who loves to explore new things.