Effective Ways to Problem-Solving and Creative Thinking

Neha Arsid
4 min readJun 11, 2023


Why problem-solving is useful

Whether you’re at a crossroads with a decision or have a problem that’s wearing you down and you don't know how to approach it. Focus on what you can do, instead of the things that are out of your control. To solve a problem. Get to the root cause.

Getting to the Root Cause

5 Whys Technique

Problem-solving has 5 Whys to find the root cause of the problem.

A Five Whys technique provides a structured format for conducting the analysis. This technique typically includes a series of questions or prompts to guide you through the process of identifying the underlying causes of the problem at hand. A basic Five Whys might look something like this:

  • What is the problem?
  • Why did the problem occur?
  • Why did the reason in question 2 happen?
  • Why did the reason in question 3 happen?
  • Why did the reason in question 4 happen?

Thanks to the iterative nature of the model and by answering these questions in sequence, you can trace the problem back to its root cause and develop effective solutions to address it.

Kepner Tregoe's method of problem-solving used by NASA

A Kepner-Tregoe matrix is used to find the causes of a problem. It isolates the who, what, when, where, and how aspects of an event, keeping the focus on the elements that have an impact on the event and eliminating the elements that do not.

To be able to apply this method:

  1. Analyze the situation (Find when a problem occurs and when it does not occur)
  2. Define the problem and root cause
  3. Evaluate the possible solutions
  4. Consider the risks in the chosen solution

Vilfredo Pareto- Pareto principle

The Pareto Principle, named after economist Vilfredo Pareto, specifies that 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes, asserting an unequal relationship between inputs and outputs.

To be able to do this:

  1. List the problems
  2. Calculate Time and Cost
  3. Target on top 20% of problems

Generating Solutions Using Brainstorming

Effective Brainstorming is group brainstorming.

To make it effective:

  1. One should not judge every idea
  2. Get every idea on the list
  3. Criticizing each other's ideas will hamper creativity and will generate fewer ideas
  4. Keep up the momentum
  5. Don't waste time by arguing for your ideas
  6. Don't go by the idea suggested by the most dominant person
  7. Give opportunity for everyone on the team to be creative rather than confining themselves to few
  8. Assess and Find the best Idea

Tools for Brainstorming

Mind maps

How to create a mindmap?

  1. Begin with the main concept. First, determine the main purpose of your mind map and write it down. …
  2. Add branches to the main concept. Now that you have determined the main purpose of your mind map, add branches that will outline the most basic subtopics. …
  3. Explore topics by adding more branches. …
  4. Add images and colours.

Decision tree

Decision trees start with a problem statement or question. The tree will then branch out into potential steps or actions, and end with outcomes. The process of making a decision tree allows you to quickly visualize a multitude of scenarios and possible consequences and benefits.

Tips to Boost Creative Ideas

You can try the below techniques for Generating creative ideas :

  1. Reversal- Thinking of making the situation worse and then doing the opposite
  2. Using Different Adjectives when Looking at a Problem
  3. What if method- When facing a problem, you could reframe it using “what if” questions to analyze it from a different perspective.
  4. Sleep on the idea
  5. Variable Matrix- Ensure all the combinations of ideas are considered
  6. Talk to other people and explain the problem and see what they come up with
  7. Think of silly fun solutions
  8. Broaden the Ideas and then narrow down

While selecting the best solution among the list of solutions, Weigh the options based on Logic vs Intuition. A lot of options can be weighed using a mind map. Create a Pros and cons table for each option. Create Rating Charts if needed and then pick your best solution.


Chris Croft: Lecturer, Thought Leader, Project Management, Leadership

