Neha Dhyani(TheUrbanSnob)
4 min readJul 7, 2015


Three Ways To Shield Your Gmail Account

Email is the most ongoing method of communication nowadays. It’s not due to the way that it is quick. But, it is one of the least expensive methods of communication. You can speak with your companions and relatives over the globe in the blink of an eye. Gmail is one of the popular Email applications. It has many users across the globe.

But unfortunately, the bad guys are out there, you better trust it. There are programmers and hackers, script kiddies and dark caps attempting to access the confidential data that you have stored in your Gmail account!

Gmail is frequently a consistent focus for hackers because it wins hackers impressive source of wage, fortunately Google is mindful about that.

So how are you ready to keep off or make it considerably more tough for people to pry their eyes into your login credentials?

Luckily, every problem comes with baggage of solutions, that is the reason Google constructed various things to help every one of us improve our Gmail security. Let’s analyze those systems:

  1. Well Chosen Password:

Make your password as difficult as could reasonably be expected to hack, let’s see how?

  • Minimum ten digits that are a blend of numbers, letters and symbols. It is a great deal more for difficult to break a long password with this mix.
  • Your passwords don’t contain your name, your birthday, your bank account number or some other personal data.
  • You can include a console blend in addition to interchange with upper and lower case letters.
  • Your password is something you know by heart yet not simple for others to guess.
  • Don’t use the same password for other media and where you need a password.
  • Change your password regularly.
  • Don’t write your passwords in messages, on Facebook and other Social Media.


For Gmail you have to change it, visit the Account Settings page as above and click the “Security” tab. You’ll discover the password settings at the head on the list.

2. Setup 2-Step Verification:

To make your Google account more secured, it is better you pick Two Step Verification Process. It helps you have most extreme control over your record and shields it from hackers. To initiate this procedure, you require aN authorized mobile number. This is the way it lives up to expectations:


  • When you sign into your Google account with the password, it promptly sends an six digit code to your mobile. You can tweak to get this code as a voice or instant message.
  • The login page diverts you to another page requesting the confirmation code.
  • If you are using a trusted PC like your own tablet, you require not rehash this procedure each time you sign in. When you enter the code, beneath the code box, there is an notice “Remember this computer for 30 days”. Tick that case and you will have the capacity to get to your record from your portable workstation for the following 30 days without the check code.
  • You will be permitted to sign in when entering the right code.

In this way, this procedure denies access for unapproved persons to your email record and keeps it sheltered and secured.

3. Check Your Settings:

At the base of each page is a record of the “Last account activity”, indicating when you keep going signed on.

Tap on “Details” to see the last ten logins, the IP address they began from, and the nation taking into account that IP address, which ought to be accurate in maximum cases. It will likewise gives details whether the login was from a browser or cell phone.

These online protection tips don’t even cost you anything — just a couple of repeating activities from you a few times each year to protect your account.

Trust me they are way helpful and if you need to know more or want to share quick tips with us, feel free to shoot a comment right below in the comment box.



Neha Dhyani(TheUrbanSnob)

A stylist by heart, a writer by choice! Neha- a full-time scouter of all things trendy!!!