12 Tips for life changing habits

9 min readAug 28, 2020


Your habits make your personality or in other words, your habits are most effective in describing you as a person.

If you are a big believer in chasing your dreams, setting some-goals you have to pay attention to your habits.


Having enormous goals for your life is exhilarating, exciting… and at times, utterly terrifying. If you create daily habits to automate certain aspects of your life, however, you’ll create a sturdy foundation to take risks from.your habits will always be there to depend on.

To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.” — W. Somerset Maugham.

Let’s us discuss in brief about 12 life changing habits:

1. Daily Reading:

Reading books is a great way to gain knowledge and stimulate creativity. Immersion reading also improves focus and has a calming effect similar to meditation. Moreover, reading before bedtime can help you sleep better.

Non-fiction books, in particular, are an excellent tool to broaden horizon, develop new ideas and seek motivation. Additionally, they also offer actionable advice on how to overcome all kinds of challenging situations through real-life.

Tips for Daily Reading:

  • Set times.
  • Always carry a book.
  • Make a list.
  • Find a quiet place.
  • Reduce television/Internet.
  • Read to your kid.
  • Keep a log.
  • Have a library day
  • Read fun and compelling books.
  • Make it pleasurable.
  • Blog it.
  • Set a high goal.
  • Have a reading hour or reading day.

2. Jouranling Your Day:

The journaling process is always the same: Ask yourself a question and try to answer it by reasoning from multiple sides. What are the pros? What are the cons? What are the outcomes?

There you have it. You see? It’s not complicated stuff. Journaling is a very versatile tool. It helps you with your self-awareness, and it also helps you to improve yourself. If you’re serious about those things, a journal is a must.
Now, all you have to do is open a new page in your physical journal, or a document in your digital journal, and start writing.

Tips for jouranling your day:

  • You don’t have to keep a paper journal.
  • You don’t have to write first thing in the morning.
  • Get some accountability.
  • Start small and keep your expectations realistic.
  • If you’ve got writer’s block, write about gratitude.
  • Try a new environment.
  • Schedule your journaling into your day.
  • Track your journaling habit.
  • Use different journaling techniques
  • Make your journal personal and messy

3. Exercise Daily:

Habits are behaviors that you repeat over and over again, which means they are also behaviors that you start over and over again. In other words.

if you don’t consistently get started, then you won’t have a habit. In many ways, building new habits is simply an exercise in getting started time after time.

Tips for exercise daily:

  1. Set a time.
  2. Send yourself a reminder.
  3. Start small.
  4. Progress later.
  5. Make it pleasurable.
  6. Lay out your gear.
  7. Just head out the door
  8. Mix it up
  9. Have a relative rest day.
  10. Don’t skip a day

4. Invest Monthly:

Investing regularly and increasing contributions as you earn more. To build your nest egg over time, you need to invest on a monthly basis at the very least. ... If you’re using a monthly budget, and especially a zero-sum budget, make a habit of “paying your investments” as if they were a regular bill.

Tip for investing monthly:

  • A monthly budget is important-
  • Stay invested
  • Determine your risk appetite
  • Rebalance your investment strategy
  • Automate your investments.

5. Save Monthly:

Sometimes the best way to start saving money is simply to become more aware of your finances and spending habits. With an understanding of your budget and your true needs, you may start putting away more money than you ever expected.

To effectively save money, you should consider both long-term strategies like paying down debt, and short-term tactics like skipping the cocktail at the restaurant.

Saving can help in defining what you’re saving for to help keep you on track when it comes to avoiding unnecessary purchases.

Tips for saving monthly:

  • Create a Budget
  • Save automatically
  • Build an emergency fund
  • Track your spending
  • Avoid dept
  • Make a plan
  • Use the 30 day rule
  • Consider Refinancing Your Mortgage
  • Create a Savings Goal for Retirement
  • Investing in quality
  • Start Saving for College Early

6. Budget Smartly:

A budget is going to give you an action plan and clear picture of where your money is ending up each month. Budgeting will help you achieve the goals you’re working toward—whether that’s getting out of debt, saving for retirement, or just trying to keep your grocery bill from getting out of hand.

When you see planning a budget as simply spending your money intentionally, you can actually find more freedom to spend! Once something has been budgeted for, you’ll be able to spend that money without feeling guilty. Many people even say they find "extra" money after they create a realistic budget and stick with it.

Tips for budget smartly:

1 Budget zero before the month begins. 
2. Do the budget together. 
3. Every month is different. 
4. Start with the most important categories first. 
5. Pay off your debt. 
6. Don’t be afraid to trim the budget. 
7. Make a schedule (and stick to it). 
8. Track your progress.

7. Spend Wisely:

You don’t have to be an expert in personal finance or have a big investment portfolio to be financially secure. It is important to understand the basics of financial planning, however.

Spending Money Wisely. Track Your Finances. Think About the Long-Term Benefits and Drawbacks of Purchases. Only Put Money on Your Credit Card if You Can Afford to Pay it off Each Month. Stop Trying to Impress Other People. Figure out What Habits Drain Your Budget. Learn to Value Savings Over Products.

Tips for spend wisely:

  • Make a plan.
  • Save for the short term.
  • Invest for the long term.
  • Use credit wisely.
  • Choose a reasonable rent or mortgage payment.
  • Treat yourself.
  • Never stop learning.

8. Create A Routine:

Establishing a positive daily routine is both a self-investment and a way to do your best for the rest of the world. It also provides additional benefits, such as giving you structure, building forward-moving habits, and creating momentum that will carry you on the days when you feel like you don’t have the strength to carry yourself.
Following a daily routine can help you establish priorities, limit procrastination, keep track of goals, and even make you healthier.

The key is to create regular and consistent daily patterns, that will take you where you want to go in life, helping you maximize yourself on every level possible.

Tips for creating a routine:

  • Optimize your mind
  • Optimize your body
  • Optimize your spirit
  • Decide what needs to be in your routine
  • Set small goals. Break each large goal into smaller goals
  • Layout a plan
  • Be consistent with time
  • Be prepared
  • Make it fun
  • Track your progress
  • Reward yourself

9. Build Relationships:

People are not born with natural abilities to develop and build great relationships with others. These are skills like any other that can be learned and mastered if one recognizes the need and takes the time and effort to develop them.

We can all become better relationship builders by clearing our minds and practicing a few basic necessary tips.

Tips for buid relationships:

  • Become a great listener
  • Ask the right questions
  • Pay attention to the whole person.
  • Remember things that are important to others
  • Be consistent and manage emotions
  • Be open and share when the time is right
  • Be genuine,confident , humble, trustworthy, positive and fun

10. Learn New Things:

Learning something new is a matter of much importance and value as it provides a lot of benefits to you. There could be a lot of ways to learn different things as you can tune your favorite information channel, could search on the internet, converse with others, or do to any informative place.

All these activities are excellent to give you productive learning every day, and you will be able to develop a firm knowledge of various things. Along with this, learning every day is something that grabs a lot of benefits for you. Here are some remarkable benefits to learn at least one new thing every day.

Tips for learn new things:

  • Learning deepens our character
  • Learning makes us more confident
  • Improve decision making
  • Open your mind
  • Make you more social

11. Eat Healthy:

The food you eat can affect your health and your risk for certain diseases. To eat healthier food, you may need to change some of your daily habits. You also may need to change some things in your environment. Your environment includes everything around you, like your home or the place you work.

Changing your eating habits and your environment can help you eat healthier foods.
A healthy diet is good for your overall health. It also can help you reach a healthy weight and stay there.
To improve your eating habits, it’s best to make small lifestyle changes that you can keep doing over time.

Tips for eat healthy:

  • Maximize with nutrient-packed foods
  • Energize with grains
  • Power up with protein
  • Mix it up with plant protein foods
  • Vary your fruits and vegetables
  • Don’t forget dairy
  • Balance your meals
  • Drink water
  • Know how much to eat
  • Reach your goals

12. Be Greatful:

Being Greatful is the mental tool we use to remind ourselves of the good stuff. It’s a lens that helps us to see the things that don’t make it onto our lists of problems to be solved. It’s a spotlight that we shine on the people who give us the good things in life. It’s a bright red paintbrush we apply to otherwise-invisible blessings, like clean streets or health or enough food to eat.

Gratitude doesn’t make problems and threats disappear. We can lose jobs, we can be attacked on the street, we can get sick.

you can experience. When you cultivate gratitude, you’re able to feel true joy and contentment, no matter what you have or don’t have in your life.

Tips for be Greatful (gratitude)

  • Don’t be picky: appreciate everything.
  • Find gratitude in your challenges.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Keep a gratitude journal.
  • Volunteer.
  • Express yourself.
  • Spend time with loved ones.
  • Improve your happiness in other areas of your life .


Excellent habits make for health, wealth and happiness. Destructive habits lead to illness, poverty and despair. Learning how to change your habits is thus a wonderful skill for everyone.

