Fun while Coding

Neha Jha
2 min readDec 21, 2017


Coding period has officially started. I have started coding solution for the issues.

Programming is an art of telling another human what one wants the computer to do.
-Donald Knuth

In these two weeks, I have realized the importance of clean code. While working on personal projects, I used to ignore small things such as naming conventions, modularization etc but boy was I wrong. I have learned so much by just reading the code of my project. This wouldn’t have been possible if the code was poorly written. Writing clean code makes debugging so much easier. In open source, following best practices is necessary because we want new developers to contribute to projects without much difficulty. My new year resolution is to create a habit of writing clean code.

While working on issues, I thought I had everything figured out and then I realized there are so many cases that I haven’t considered. This is a common thing in coding. Sometimes we have to start from scratch. In these situations, we need guidance. I am really thankful to my mentors who spend so much time to clear my doubts, define tasks for me and review my code. For new developers, mentors are of utmost importance. Hopefully, I will also be able to mentor someone and give something back to the community.

My current task is taking more time than I estimated but on the bright side, I have learned a bunch of things during this task. This is the best part of my internship. Learning never stops. Every day I learn new things and every day I realize there are so many more things to learn. This is just the beginning but I am pretty sure this journey will be fun and rewarding.

P.S-I have started encouraging my juniors to take part in programmes like Outreachy, GSOC etc

