The End of My Internship

Neha Jha
1 min readMar 15, 2018


My internship has officially ended but for me, this is not the end. It is just the beginning of my open source journey. I started contributing in Wikimedia in around October 2017. Since then, I have fallen in love with the community. There are so many amazing people to learn from. From the beginning to the very end everyone has been so motivating and helpful.

In the last week, I have tried to focus more on documentation. I learned the importance of documenting my code at the beginning of my internship.

Outreachy has given me the best three months of my life. It feels amazing to work on applications that will be used by thousands of users. During the internship, I had two mentors. They have helped me through every step of my internship. A huge Shoutout to them. I really hope to keep working with them.

My next post will be about my thoughts about the application phase and the internship period.

