Neha L.
3 min readJun 23, 2016

10 Social Media Plan Templates & Free Resources for Beginners

When I first started my consultancy business as a Social Media Marketer, I spent tons of time drafting, formulating and perfecting my proposals, pitches and presentations. In the process, I referred to many blogs and articles on various sites from Bufferapp to Hootsuite. A few of them really did help and add value to my learning.

Many social media plans I read through lacked that punch to convince prospective customers. In my opinion a plan should be such that streamlines your efforts while reaching for your goals. A good plan should outline your goals, objectives, target audience, target media, campaign concept, proposed tactics, timeline, budget, and ends with your past credentials.

Research has shown that more than half of the small to medium sized businesses need help creating their social media plan. It is for this reason after doing a thorough research on marketing & social media plans I put together these social media proposals (templates) that will help you cut through the clutter and guide in designing a better plan which is unique to your objectives. These 10 templates will help draft your proposal more effectively and add more value to.

1. Social Media Tactical Plan
by Marketo

This is a great eBook that covers the plan for blogs, social networks, online video, photo sharing sites and presentation sharing. You will learn how to identify objectives, action items and key metrics for different platform ranging from blogs to LinkedIn to Facebook and more.

2. Social Media Marketing and Managing Proposal
by Phyllis Khare

This eBook explains what the purpose of various social networking platforms is and how they should be used. You will know what to concentrate on when working on various social media networks.

3. Social Media Communications Plan
Iowa State University

This is a comprehensive social media communication plan by Iowa State University can be used as an example or a template. It will guide you when developing your social media plan.

4. Social Media Marketing Proposal

This is a brilliant social media proposal and template for reference purpose. This proposal is for demonstration purposes only by and reserves all rights.

5. Social Media Strategy Templates
by features many social media strategy templates to refer to. Depending on your client’s product, needs etc you may choose an appropriate template.

6. How to Create Social Media plan
by Kevan Lee on Bufferapp

This is a great article by Kevan Lee — A step by step guide on how to create a social media plan.

7. Learn How to Write a Social Media Marketing Plan
By Susan Seffelig

This is yet another interesting guide to creating a marketing plan. The article covers 7 critical steps. From how to formulate your Executive Summary to How Reporting, Measuring and Analytics help increase value of social media marketing

8. Social Media Templates
by Evan Lepage — Hootsuite

Evan Lepage on Hootsuite has put together some useful templates whichcan save you time when developing a marketing plan and other supporting plans/documents. You will find 6 great templates on this website.

9. Social media plan template Strategy
by Jeff Riggins

A great two phase social media plan template

10. Social Media plan checklist for events — Infographic
by Marketo

Here’s an infographic highlighting the KPI’s for an Event social media plan. It will help you in every step from pre to post event social media marketing.

These proposals and templates will help you know what to focus on and what to ignore in your social media plan. Base your proposal on research and not presumptions and set realistic goals.

Originally published at on June 23, 2016.

Neha L.

A social space addict, I love to write on social tech & digital. Co founder : | I Blog at