How to Fix a Broken or Cracked Screen on an iPhone or iPod Touch

3 min readMay 10, 2023


Few things like seeing a broken or cracked screen can send a chill down a smartphone owner’s spine. Such damage not only mars the beauty of your device but can also interfere with its functionality. However, there’s no need to panic just yet. Here, we’ll guide you through fixing a broken or cracked iPhone or iPod touchscreen. But remember, while DIY methods can be helpful, they come with risks, and sometimes, a professional phone repair service is your best bet.

Identify the Damage

Before rushing to the nearest iPhone repair center, assess the extent of the damage. If the damage is superficial, such as minor scratches, you can manage it with a screen protector. However, professional repair is necessary if the screen is severely cracked or shattered.

Backup Your Data

Regardless of how you fix your screen, back up your data first. Using iCloud or iTunes, ensure all your information is safely stored away. This ensures that your data is safe even if something goes wrong during the repair. If you need quality iPhone repair, get to know Techy.

DIY Repair

Several DIY repair kits are available in the market, promising a quick fix for a broken iPhone or iPod touch screen. These kits usually include the necessary tools, along with step-by-step instructions. However, the process is intricate and requires a steady hand and a lot of patience. This could be a cost-effective solution if you’re confident in your skills.


If you have AppleCare+, a cracked screen repair is included in the plan. AppleCare+ covers two incidents of accidental damage protection every 12 months, giving you a much more affordable repair option.

Apple Out-of-Warranty Service

If you don’t have AppleCare+, Apple’s out-of-warranty service is an option. While this is more expensive than a covered repair, it assures you of quality service and original parts.

Third-Party Phone Repair Services

If you’re looking for a balance between cost and quality, third-party phone repair services are a good option. Look for a reputable service provider with positive reviews and experience in iPhone repair.

Screen Replacement vs. Phone Replacement

Depending on the extent of the damage and the age of your iPhone or iPod touch, you should consider whether screen replacement or phone replacement is the better option. If your device is old and has been giving you trouble, investing in a new phone could be more cost-effective in the long run.

Fixing a broken or cracked screen on an iPhone or iPod touch is not a task to be taken lightly. While minor scratches might be easy to ignore, more significant damage can cause problems with your touchscreen and even pose a risk of injury from broken glass.

So, what’s the best approach? If you’re confident and understand the risks, a DIY repair kit can be a feasible solution. But for most people, the best route is to use a professional phone repair service, whether Apple’s service or a reputable third-party company. This ensures that the repair is done correctly and safely and can often be cheaper than replacing your device entirely because of a DIY repair gone wrong.

In conclusion, dealing with a broken or cracked iPhone or iPod touch screen can be stressful. However, with the right approach and expert help, your device can quickly return to its former glory. Always remember that the adage “better safe than sorry” holds regarding such delicate devices. Turn to professional iPhone repair services to guarantee the longevity and functionality of your device. Get Techy services for iPhone repair.

