Enhancing user experience of Meesho App.

Neha shinde
6 min readMar 3, 2023



  • Introduction of Meesho App.
  • Understanding Current Design & analyzing potential issues while using the App.
  • Brainstorming on solutions for the identified issues.
  • Paper Prototyping.
  • High-Fidelity Prototyping.
  • Evaluating the Usability of Designed Prototype to determine its effectiveness.
  • Refining the Designed Prototypes after Usability Testing
  • Impact of Refined Prototypes on User Experience.

Introduction of Meesho App

Meesho is an online purchasing platform that offers a wide selection of reasonably priced goods in all categories.

Understanding current design & analyzing potential issues while using the App

Issue 1 :

When we order a product, if the payment is declined, the order is cancelled. To reorder the product, the user must click the back button that is currently located on the right side of the product details. This back button take us to product page which have to reorder.

This process is Confusing ,the user cannot find back button easily(this explains Heuristic principle of Lack of user control and freedom).

Thus the user becomes frustrated and leaves the app in the middle of the confusion, which has an effect on the app’s company sales.

Issue 2 :

On this product detail screen, the user cannot see detailed size information beneath the radio buttons while choosing a size. Instead the size details are included in product details where user has to read more and search for it, this increases scrolling and clicking on the app.

This issues explains Heuristic principle of User control and freedom. The user is lacking control of selecting size in an efficient and easy manner.

As stated in Hick’s Law “The time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices”. Hence the issue to be resolved is minimizing complexity while size selection.

Brainstorming on solutions for the Identified Issues

Solution for Issue 1:

The solution to Defined Issue 1 can be introducing RE-ORDER checkbox option which draws attention of user to access and order the product easily.

Solution for Issue 2 :

The solution to above defined Issue 2 is creating a size detail chart mentioning waist, bust & hip sizes for respective sizes below the S,M,L etc radio buttons.

Paper Prototyping

Solution for Issue 1:

Paper prototype of Introducing Re order Option in the Order detail page which is linked to Product Detail page.

Solution for Issue 2 :

Users can more easily discover details about sizes just below the sizes by using the Size Chart below Select Size.

Paper Prototype of Issue 1

Paper Prototype of Issue 2

High Fidelity Prototyping

High Fidelity Prototype of Issue 1

Comparison for Existing Meesho screen and Designed screen

Changes made:

Introduced Re Order Checkbox Option

How it benefits the user:

User can Control and has freedom to Re Order without Confusion

How it benefits the business:

This feature allow user to make decision faster without any turmoil which has positive impact on business

High Fidelity Prototype of Issue 2

Issue 2 -solution

link to prototype https://www.figma.com/proto/pcXhQ32zzRpCs7zjnQQFoS/MEESHO-SIZE-CHART'?node-id=165-322&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1

Changes made:

Introduced Size chart Option below select size feature

How it benefits the user:

User can decide their size faster by looking at chart

How it benefits the business:

This feature allow user to make decision faster without any turmoil which has positive impact on business

Evaluating the Usability of Designed Prototype to determine its effectiveness.

Now that I have completed my designs as per the problem identified during the heuristic evaluation. I will be testing the design with the users to make sure they work and improve on what does not work.

Since Meesho is a commonly used application ,
I showed it among my multiple users to do the usability testing.

In usability testing, I went to group of people and asked them to do selective tasks so that I can understand whether my design is easy and obvious to use for them.

For Issue 1

Task given to Users:

  1. Place a order of any Clothing from Meesho
  2. Select COD as payment and confirm the order.
  3. Cancel the confirmed order
  4. Try to Re order the same product

Observations while user is performing the task:

  1. Does the user was able to understand how to navigate to reorder the product.
  2. What is making the user confuse.

Insights got from Usability Testing:

User Feedback for Issue 1

Refining the Designed Prototypes after Usability Testing

Original prototype for Usability Testing

Redesigned Prototype After Usability Testing

Redesigned Prototype

link for prototype https://www.figma.com/proto/o5wfZtBbb1i7XcSwj5PmgK/Untitled?node-id=1-2&scaling=scale-down&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=1%3A2

Before in original Prototype once user clicks the Re Order Button they where directed to Product Detail Page.

After Usability Testing (Users Feedback) as user clicks re order they are directed to Order Details page which includes all the details previously mentioned about the product & can directly buy the product.

This change helps users to simplify the reorder process and proceed to buy now.

For Issue 2

Task given to Users:

  1. Click Size chart button
  2. As size chart opens look for details of Size you want to order

Observations while user is performing the task:

  1. Does the user able to choose proper size by looking Size chart.
  2. Is there any confusion while finalizing and navigating again to selecting size.

Insights got from Usability Testing:

Refining the Designed Prototypes after Usability Testing

Original prototype

link for prototype https://www.figma.com/proto/sYhxDnYjvaFpgg9U98ypTl/Untitled?node-id=1-36&scaling=scale-down&page-id=0%3A1

After Usability Testing following changes were made:

  • Size chart button made subtle and added a toggle feature to give clarity about action to be performed.

Link to prototype https://www.figma.com/proto/kALCj6Bx52hS1YM6T8i0vf/final-meesho-size-chart?node-id=0-87&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1

