Why Git and GitHub are important for a programmer?

Neha Pandey
3 min readDec 16, 2019


Git is one of the handy tool for the developers who love to code. It is an essential part of the DevOps. It is a version control system that every programmer must learn. This tool really helps coders in the work atmosphere while they develop a project in collaboration. Git is the widely used and influential version control system that keeps track of files & history and manage projects. It is an open-source and free to available for everyone. It is provides support for the different operating systems.

Git vs GitHub

Learn Git from Scratch to master.

Benefits of Using Git

During my development journey I have analyzed that Git can be used for different perspectives. These perspectives can be:

· Git for developers

· Git for marketing

· Git for product management

· Git for designers

· Git for customer support

· Git for human resources

· Git for anyone managing a budget

I am sure people will love Git who believe in team work.

Who can use Git and How to install it?

Everyone can use Git. It comes by default with Linux (It is a part of Linux) as well as in Linux. However, we have to initialize it by running some commands.

Know how to install Git for Linux

How to install Git on Mac

For the windows, we have to install Git bash to run the Git commands.

Know how to install Git on windows

Some important Git commands areas follow

Git is all about the commands. If you want to explore the interesting features of Git, you must have the knowledge of Got commands. Following are some basic command to start with Git:

· Git init

· Git config

· Git add

· Git clone

· Git fetch

· Git push

· Git fetch

Also, we have some advance command for collaboration like:

· Git merge

· Git cherry-pic

· Git squash

Some important command update are as follows:

· Git reset

· Git rm

· Git interactive rebase

· Git rebase

· Git Head

Learn Git Basic command

Learn Git advanced command

Why GitHub and who Can use this?

GitHub is the most popular Git service platform. There are millions of projects stored on GitHub. Many industries are using GitHub. Developers who don’t want to use the hectic commands and love to use the easy user interface, GitHub is the best option for you. You can share the code and Git pages (Website) to the public. There are many options available for the students. Free repositories are also available for the students. GitHub student developer pack is one of the best features of GitHub for the students.

Reasons why you should learn GitHub?

· It makes it easy to contribute to your favorite open source projects. Today, most organizations have open-source projects and use GitHub to manage their projects.

· Markdown. Markdown is an excellent way to write formatted documents, markdown can be used as a text editor

· Documentation.

· GitHub pages websites is another excellent service of GitHub.

· Show your talent to a word to make a public project.

· Impress the recruiters by mentioning your GitHub account on your resume.

· Make interesting projects with your friends and improve your Coding skills.

Learn GitHub and become master of Git and GitHub

Thank you, I hope it will help you a lot.

Happy coding

Happy collaboration

Learn Git

Learn GitHub

