How to live a peaceful life

Neha Soni
2 min readJul 8, 2020


Peaceful life means PEACE within. No war inside you — between your brain and your mind. This can be achieved by changing your perspective towards life, seeing the world as filled with variety.

If you are peaceful, you are able to think clearly and control negative emotions a lot better than you can in a disturbed state of mind. This way, one can also make wise decisions related to the different aspects of life: relationships, finances and so on by having a stable and peaceful mind.

When I met my friend after a long time as we were living in a different country. While having coffee in a cafe, she stated that I have a well earning job, family but I am not sure why I am always in a rush, I do not have enough time to eat, relax and spend time with my family. Is having a good job and being rich called a successful life? What exactly is called being successful? What is real happiness?

I listened to her, then asked a question back, what is the ideal life for you, do a soul search… Would you like to live a hastening, mechanical life? Where you struggle to find a few golden moments for yourself or you would like to have a balanced life enjoying each and every moment.

Of course everyone would like to live a life where they enjoy each and every moment, ironically how many people live such a life?

let’s jot down some points, which could help us to inner peace.

  • Stop judging others no matter how you find them
  • Choose being happy over being right
  • Focus in the present, live in the moment
  • Decide and spend time on what is important to you
  • Stop complaining and blaming others
  • List your goals to achieve, make the plan to accomplish it and follow the plan
  • Examine your commitments
  • Leave time between tasks and appointments
  • Slow Down and enjoy every task
  • Single task at a time, avoid multi-tasking
  • Make time for simple pleasures
  • Think positive in any situation
  • Focus more on your own life than pointing on others life
  • Do not try to change others rather focus on self improvement through swot analyses, getting feedback from others, reading and so on
  • No one can hurt you, it’s negative feelings and thoughts running on head that constantly hurt you
  • Productive activities will boost your confidence and lead to a positive and peaceful mind.
  • Keep things organised and handy

Essentially my friend’s situation was a food for my thoughts.

What works for you when trying to calm the mind and be more positive? Do these tips sound helpful? Let me know!

Happy and peaceful life

