Workplace Politics

Neha Swarankar
4 min readMay 7, 2020


Politics at the workplace emerges when employees tend to misuse their authority to gain needless attention and popularity.

Let’s have a quick walkthrough considering the reasons behind, consequences, and strategies to overcome the politics by the management.


  • Employees indulge in politics simply to tarnish their colleague’s reputations to attain boons and land in the good books of their superiors.
  • When employees crave to appear in the spotlight effortlessly.
  • Strive to acquire something beyond their authority and control abruptly.
  • Inadequacy of supervision at the workplace.
  • Personal relationships amongst employees can sometimes drive politics.
  • The blame game is another reason, A jealous employee would never wish his co-workers to do well.
  • Manipulative information to mislead superiors furthermore directs to politics.
  • Gossips, Politics originates when employees are indulged in nonessential talks. Leg pulling, criticism, backstabbing, hatred signals to politics.

Effects of Workplace Politics

  • Zero productivity of individuals and hence of organization, which directs to criticism and negativity at the workplace and people tend to crib more.
  • Politics accumulate stress and moreover spoils the connections amongst people. Pals turn foes, People quit supporting and trust factor vanishes.
  • Individuals encounter difficulty in concentrating on the job.
  • The rise in disputes and uncertainties in the office. Employees do not appreciate there work and treat it as a burden.
  • People avoid interacting with their co-workers and thus fail to attain innovative conclusions.
  • The belief in teamwork gets nullified.
  • Politics shift the attitude of the employees.
  • They lose interest in work/commit errors and people attend office just for the sake of it. No matter how much effort an employee puts in, it is overlooked.
  • A non-performer can be the apple of his boss’s eye clearly due to politics, henceforth demotivating the performers.
  • Due to manipulative information, superiors receive an incorrect picture of what is happening in the organization, a wrong person takes all the credit.

Role of Management in Avoiding Politics

  • Job Mismatch: The management must delegate responsibilities as per the interests, specialization, and educational qualifications of the individuals. Individuals must enjoy their job for them to stay faithful to the organization. Employees indulge in politics when they have ample free time with zero motivation.
  • Control: Management must have good control over its employees. The management must ensure that every employee adheres to the set guidelines and follows the predefined rules. No employee should be given special benefits. Policies should be the same for everyone. Well defined hierarchies reduce the chances of politics.
  • Transparency: must be maintained at all levels. The management must respect the employees to expect the same from them. Every employee should be aware of the objectives and purposes of the organization. Issues should be addressed on an open forum for all to get a broad image. Issues should not be communicated in closed cabins. In such circumstances, individuals' sense neglected which evolves a wrong impression.
  • Regular Interactions: The management must regularly interact with the employees to discover their grievances. The matters must be sorted out immediately to deduce faith from the employees towards the company. The concept of morning meetings is mandated. Permit employees to discuss their problems so that they can work with a relaxed mind.
  • Avoid Partiality: Unnecessary favouritism is harmful. The management must not jump to any conclusions unless and until there is substantial evidence. Don’t give anyone poor grade just because one of his fellow workers has said something un-favorable against him. Find the actual cause.
  • Team Building Activities: A good and healthy relationship amongst the employees reduce the occurrence of politics. The management must encourage team building activities to strengthen the bond amongst the employees. Celebrate festivals at the workplace, Prioritize outings and get-togethers.
  • Set an Example: The management must set an example for all by taking strict action against employees involved in politics. There should be no wrong message.
  • Communication: Effective communication diminishes politics, employees should not play with words and pass on the false information. Always prefer written modes of communication to evade chaos and keeping the boss in the loop helps. This way the superiors are acknowledged of things around, hence no cooked up stories.

Conclusion: Changing jobs frequently is no solution to politics. One must try to avoid politics for a healthy and positive ambience at the workplace.Politics never privileges anyone. Employees must concentrate on their work rather than interfering in their colleague’s work. Remember your organization pays you for your hard work and not for finding faults in others. Avoid backstabbing or making fun of others. Don’t spread unnecessary rumors about anyone at the workplace.

