Solve design challenge

4 min readApr 22, 2022


It all about design challenges. We were given 3 design challenges to solve the problem each individually using the 7 step framework. The estimated time to complete the challenges was around 30 minutes each.

Here is the RSPCA’s challenge. The company providing animal care and protection services around the country.

This one is the Sustainability Victoria challenge. Sustainability Victoria is a website dedicated to assisting Victorians in progressing forward towards a circular, climate-resilient economy. On the start of this brief it was a bit confusing for me.

The last one is the Goodlife challenge. Goodlife is a health club that want people to achieve a better work or life balance, developing healthy habits, or preparing for your first marathon, there’s something for everyone. This brief was really amazing to work. Finishing the 3 brief challenge and now i had to choose one and I feel comfortable with the Goodlife brief and i have chose this one as I do sport regularly. I have also using so app for doing my workout at home.

The problem

The problem is that a large number of rural Australians who are depressed or overweight need exercise advice and programs to suit their specific needs.

My task

You are tasked to design a mobile app prototype for Goodlife Health Clubs that will help them solve their difficulties. provide rural Australians who suffer from depression or obesity advice on exercise and exercise programs to suit their specific needs.

Target audience

The target audience will be the people who are overweight as well as people who are suffering from depression.

The next step is to design 3 app design concepts for this client based on the ideas I explored in the initial design challenge. The first variation will focus on context, the second variation focuses on aesthetics, and the third variation focuses on accessibility.

Concept 1-context

In the context part I need to show what the app would contain and how it going to be to have an idea.

Here is the ideation sketch that will digitally develop later. I try to show a journey of the app base on the solution I had provided.

This is the low fidelity wireframes.

This is the high fidelity mockup. In this one i have use images.

Concept 2-aesthetics

The second variation was about using the Photon Design Language, which kept focus on vibrant colours, illustration, iconography and aesthetics.

This is the ideation sketch for aesthetic.

On the low fidelity wireframe i tried to add some aesthetic illustration and icon as well.

This is the high fidelity mockup.

Concept 3-accessibility

The third and final design concept must cater for visually impaired users specifically users with low vision. These users require a higher contrast in the interface design, and struggle to read small font sizes and small iconography.

Overall the assignment was enjoyable but some point i have difficulties with. working on the 3 concept was a bit challenging and confusing but it was a good experience to explore the design challenge.

