Fox News accuses CNN of using ‘fear porn’ to hype story, says facts taken ‘out of context’

Neil Johnson
8 min readAug 14, 2021

In other news, irony reported as likely dead or missing, certainly beaten beyond recognition

This image is only tangentially related to this story, but it sure is scary! Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash

The headline to this article is absolutely 100% true: CNN accused of ‘fear porn’ for hyping story of Broward County teachers dead from COVID without key context | Fox News. The thing about irony being dead, missing, or badly beaten — I made that up. Maybe there’s a job at Fox for me.

The thing is, of course, is that the Fox story is completely correct. CNN did a horrible job of providing context for their story of four — no, wait, three — Broward County educators who died of COVID-related complications within a 24 hour period. All three were, not surprisingly, unvaccinated.

So far, so good: everything is factually true. But, according to Fox, CNN neglected to mention that school hasn’t actually started yet in Broward County. The CNN article, promoted on social media with a picture of a row of school buses, certainly could seem to imply that school was in session.

To CNN’s credit, as soon as Fox called them out on their shoddy reporting, they issued corrections, clarifying that one of the people who died from COVID had “close ties to the school district” but was not an employee.

