Let’s not ever celebrate IWD again.

3 min readMar 11, 2021

This year, International Women’s day looked like Valentine’s day and we should really stop the madness.

Browsing on LinkedIn, everywhere men vomiting their love and appreciation for their wives, colleagues and some even saying that they have women as their boss and you know what? They are good bosses! — ‘’How surprising John? Who would have known the department would not go bankrupt under her management.‘’

But it’s not just men who are missing the point.

I saw the post of a woman, 30 something, working at Barclays. She was so happy that her face was on a billboard in the middle of Time Square to represent Barclay’s. The company screaming in aggressive led lights to the face of the world: ‘’LOOK WE HAVE WOMEN IN OUR WORKFORCE.’’

She’s young,

she’s a woman,

she’s black.

This year the marketing team will finally answer this question with a smile: ‘’How good did we score on diversity?‘’

That’s not what this day is about. Even calling it ‘’IWD’’ makes no sense. It’s International Women’s Rights Day. Somehow we lost the most important word of the sentence: RIGHTS.

If we refer back to Barclay’s shiny campaign on the nice billboard on Time Square, I would like to point out some facts…

