Introduction to Rapeh

Neil Buckley
2 min readAug 8, 2021

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Have you heard of sacred Shamanic Snuff?

If not, you’re not alone. It’s a very niche substance and until recent years was virtually unheard of in the West. It’s a type of snuff tobacco.

Wait… “tobacco”, I hear you say — isn’t that bad for your health? The thing is, we’ve gained an awful relationship with tobacco in the West due to cigarettes, which are mixed with countless other substances, not least to enhance their addictiveness.

Cabolco Aya rapeh, bought from

Tobacco however is a sacred substance to the Shamans and tribespeople of South America, and is used in many of their rituals. Not least, it is used in rapeh ceremonies, and as well as in other things, such as ambil (a sort of black tobacco syrup).

Rapeh (also spelt Hapé, Rapé, Hapeh) is completely legal and can now be obtained easily in many countries. Although the staple ingredient is tobacco, it’s mixed with sacred herbs, ashes, seeds and other things.

Why take it? Because it fills your whole body with pure love and light, and really centres your entire being. With a kuripe (a special self-application pipe), you blow a small amount of it up both respective nostrils, then enter deep meditation.

Me holding a kuripe (a special type of self-applicator pipe) ready to scoop up that beautiful rapeh.

To find out much more about this magical substance, have a look at my huge informational website,

I don’t sell rapeh myself, but I list on my website several good outlets.

Have fun with the life-changing blessing to us all that is sacred Shamanic Snuff!


