Yawanawa Warrior Princesse Rapeh Review

Neil Buckley
2 min readAug 11, 2021


Yawanawa Warrior Princesse rapeh

This is the first of my reviews about specific blends of Shamanic Snuff (rapeh). I discovered Warrior Princesse when I first bought it a while ago from the UK-based company, shnuff.co.uk. They actually call it simply Warrior, and it’s undoubtedly their best rapeh!

It’s a well-known rapeh, and its principal ingredients are Tobacco, Parica and Tsunu ash. I’m not sure of the tobacco type, but I guess it’s quite rich in tobacco, as it’s a very potent blend. It’s very well-hidden though. It’s a grey rapeh and quite aromatic.

Parica is also known as Angico or Parica. It’s an ash used amongst the tribespeople to release stuck spiritual and emotional energies and is a potent ingredient in Shamanic snuff. It comes from a lovely green tree variety growing in Brazil.

Tsunu is another common rapeh ingredient, again an ash, that is used to deeply ground a person’s energies. It too can bring potency to a blend, and it too comes from a large tree variety in Brazil.

Warrior is truly one of my go-to rapehs for deep and loving meditation, and it has a prolonged effect. Interestingly, Shnuff also sell related rapehs Warrior Heart and Warrior+, which are similar in ingredients, but nowhere near as potent.

See my personal informational website, hapehour.co.uk for comprehensive information about rapeh varieties, what you need to do ceremonies, and how to meditate, alongside much more.

Much blessing,



