7 Most Essential Skills Required To Succeed As An Entrepreneur

Neil Haboush Montreal, Canada
4 min readNov 5, 2019


neil haboush Entrepreneur skills

You have everything figured out, the income to get started, experience in the niche or field you want to explore, the zeal and enthusiasm of owning your own business and all. However, do you know the important skillsets that you need to develop to keep you going on the entrepreneurial journey? Many entrepreneurs known the road might not be always smooth, thus, the need to understand and cultivate these skills to ensure your business reaches the top it deserves.

Here are skills that are worth more than your penny. According to this great experienced sales manager, Neil Haboush, every entrepreneur must develop these skills in order to scale up the ladder of success in no time.

Ability to Manage Finances

Financial management is a must for any entrepreneur that aims to grow. The fact is the key to making or marring your business lies in your hand. If you cannot account for the incoming and outgoing of money, you should be prepared for the worst.

Moreover, there will always be highs and lows when it comes to being an entrepreneur. While starting, ensure you are prepared for anything and you have sufficient income to keep you going.

Effective Communication

How can a business flourish without proper communication with partners, employees, prospects, stakeholders and even to the public? Moreover, this skill is important in positioning your brand in the market and portraying the values it has to offer. One of the key things that makes Neil Haboush a successful sales manager is his crisp, straight to the point way of communication.

Strategic Thinking

What differentiates a smart entrepreneur from an entrepreneur is the ability to critically assess a situation before reaching a logical conclusion. You don’t take anything presented to you as the truth but rather assess, make hypotheses, ask questions, before making any decisions. Analysis of a problem and suggesting creative solutions to those problems in no time is a skill any smart entrepreneur must develop.

Time Management

Time is one thing money cannot buy, therefore, it is important to make judicious use of it. From closing a deal, execution of a project to delivery, adequate planning and time management is very crucial to ensure success. Besides, see it as an effective means of overcoming procrastination and a means of handling daily tasks according to priority.

Stress Management

Growing a business comes with both emotional and physical stress, determination is one thing that will keep you going in the face of challenges and problems. Sleepness nights, disappoints, struggles, and even slow growth are something you might have to face. It is important t know there will always be ups and downs and those are phases that will surely pass. Therefore, stay positive and develop the ability to manage stress to keep going.


Never underestimate the power of networking and building relationship with people of like mind. These are people that will encourage, give advice and sometimes profer solutions to any problems or challenges. Who knows, you might be meeting a new partner, stakeholder, or an employee that will contribute to the growth of the business.


Knowing how to position both yourself and the business is important for any organization. Availing of the benefit of social media to communicate your value and what the business has to offer. This will increase your credibility and promotes success.Make your brand known to the right people.

Your business plan is never complete if you don’t inculcate the right skills and ability to ensure success. Develop these skills and make them a part of you and your business.



Neil Haboush Montreal, Canada

Neil Haboush Judgement From Montreal Canada is social platform visionary, CEO of good mind hunting, speaker, blogger, golfer.