Product Hunt brings you quality users as well as quantity.

Neil S W Murray
3 min readMar 20, 2015

We’re all aware that if your product does well on Product Hunt then this will result in hundreds, sometimes thousands of new users practically instantly. (There’s a great collection of success stories here)

However, while the majority of these stories focus on qualifying a successful stint on Product Hunt as a quantifiable number e.g. 500 new users, $5,000 revenue, 500 new subscribers, I thought it would be interesting to write a note regarding something that doing well on Product Hunt gives you which is even more important than these things, quality users and audience.

On Monday, Sourced finished the day in 8th position of that day’s hunt, with close to 200 votes.

Sourced breaks down time zones and connects the U.S. and European tech scenes through a twice daily newsletter keeping both sides of the Atlantic in tune with their friends across the pond.

Wake up to the big tech stories from the other side- and close the day with a recap on headline events at home.

You can subscribe here.

Before I get to the point I want to make, it would be remiss of me to completely dismiss the effect Product Hunt does have in terms of quantity, so for those interested in the numbers, here they are:

Visits from Product Hunt within 24 hours: 3,203

New Subscribers within 24 hours: 719

As an aside, I would also like to point out the importance of finishing in the top 10 and making the Product Hunt newsletter which I believe goes out to around 80,000 readers, as approximately 40% of the visits and subscribers came after we featured in the newsletter as one of the top 10 hunted the previous day.

More important than the 700 or so new readers we have, we now have an audience that includes employees from Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Dropbox and Samsung. An audience that is important for us to reach, and a reflection of the audience that Product Hunt itself reaches on a daily basis.

Although we should take some credit for providing a quality curation, I also believe Product Hunt has to take some credit for the fact that since the majority of our subscribers signed up, we have sent out eight editions to their inbox, yet have only seen 18 people unsubscribe!

And this brings me to the point I want to make, not only does Product Hunt provide you with a quantity of new users, it also provides you with quality users.

719 new subscribers is fantastic, but they mean nothing if they are not relevant, and thanks to doing well on Product Hunt we now have a higher quantity and quality user base.

If you want to get a high quality curation of the tech news that matters then you can subscribe to Sourced here.

